Page 93 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 93

M5.  Highlight the role of historic                 Pattern Book: Accessory
                      preservation in promoting                   Household Units (AHUs)
                      missing middle housing
                      in the city's established                   A Pattern Book is a tool to help
                      neighborhoods.                              homeowners update their home or
                                                                  property. It often addresses a specific
                          Goal        Goal         Goal           topic and provides context-specific
                           1            2            3            information. For instance, a Pattern Book
                      a.  Encourage local developers to           for West Des Moines Neighborhoods
                         renovate or adaptively reuse existing    offers information for property owners
                         and potentially historic structures      about how to update their older homes
                         as housing by connecting them to         in a way that maintains the character
                         financial and technical resources.       and integrity.
                      b.  Provide visual examples of context-
                         sensitive and appropriate missing        Similar pattern books can be created
                         middle housing that meet the City's      specific to other topics, such as AHUs,
                         Code, preferably completed by local      This could be coupled with the existing
                         developers.                              regulations in Chapter 134, Zoning, and
                      c.  Develop a pattern book for              provide additional context-sensitive
                         Accessory Household Units (AHUs)         standards for AHUs in historic areas of
                         to provide examples for different        the city and designs that fit the existing
                         neighborhoods and lot types that         standards and are compatible with
                         respond to the context of each           the character of the neighborhood.
                         historic district.                       This pattern book would also elaborate
                                                                  on the Accessory Structure standards
                Related    N7
                 Actions                                          provided in Chapter 135, Planning
                      •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines,        and Design, Section 135-2.F, Accessory
                         Development Services                     Household Unit (AHU) Building.
                      •   Partners: City of Des Moines,
                         Neighborhood Services; Iowa chapter of   For instance, an Accessory Dwelling Unit
                         the American Institute of Architects; Local   Handbook (ADU is another term for an
                         chapter of American Society of Interior   AHU) for a West Denver neighborhood
                         Designers (ASID)
                                                                  offers a variety of ADU types, floorplans,
                                                                  and details for how to approach
                                                                  constructing an ADU.

              Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
              * Requires ongoing work.

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