Page 97 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 97
b. Partner with community Historic Preservation Awards
stakeholders to host a design
contest for a plaque or other Each year, communities around the
informational sign that can be
added to locations of cultural country celebrate successes in historic
significance, as identified by the preservation through local or regional
community, that may not meet the awards ceremonies. Awards ceremonies
criteria for traditional designation are hosted by a wide range of
but that are important to the organizations - non-profits, municipalities,
community. member-driven organizations, etc., but
c. Host a regular developer-forum to all share a common purpose: these
discuss development challenges in events are opportunities to recognize
historic districts and areas of cultural the year's accomplishments, celebrate
importance, which may not include historic preservation advocates in the
historic district designation. Highlight community, and look towards the future.
challenges, successful projects, The following list provides a sampling of
and areas of opportunity, as well
as potential funding assistance and historic preservation awards ceremonies:
network connections to accomplish – Iowa Economic Development Authority
context-sensitive adaptive reuse – Preservation Iowa
and development throughout the
city.* – Madison Trust for Historic Preservation
d. Arrange a regular bus tour for – Minneapolis Preservation Awards
developers to view and discuss – Edina Heritage Award
properties of historic and cultural
importance, and potential
development and adaptive reuse
e. Partner with community
stakeholders to highlight vacant
storefronts of historic buildings
through the creation of a pop-up
program to partner artisans and
small businesses with property
owners in buildings of historic
character, prioritizing those that are
located in areas that are cultural
centers of the community.
f. Establish an annual awards
program that highlights successful
preservation work in the
community. Separate awards
should be given to work to preserve
tangible historic resources and
work that highlights and supports
intangible resources as identified by
the community.*
* Requires ongoing work.
Adopted Plan (September 2023) 91