Page 83 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 83

N5.  Enhance the training process                   Pre-Application Meeting
                      for Historic Preservation
                      Commission members.                         Pre-application meetings offer an
                                                                  opportunity for potential applicants to
                          Goal        Goal         Goal           meet with staff and discuss requirements
                            1           2            3            before investing significant time and

                      a.  Continue scheduling a training session   money into drafting plans that may not
                         for newly appointed HPC members to       be approved.
                         meet with staff to review the mission
                         of the HPC, operating procedures,        For the historic preservation program,
                         designated historic resources, design    this means that potential applicants
                         guidelines and other resources, and      may discuss the requirements of
                         related projects.*                       the Certificate of Appropriateness
                      b.  Host an annual HPC retreat that         process, and the tools that the Historic
                         includes a training refresher for all    Preservation Commission uses to
                         HPC members.*                            determine whether the proposed
                      c.  Identify funding opportunities to       project is appropriate. If staff notes that
                         support sending one or two HPC           some or all of the proposed project may
                         members to a training and/or             not be approved, this meeting provides
                         conference such as the Commission        an opportunity to brainstorm potential
                         Assistance and Mentoring Program         changes or creative approaches that
                         (CAMP) offered by the NAPC,              are more likely to be approved.
                         the Preserve Iowa Summit, or the
                         National Trust for Historic Preservation   Many communities offer, advertise, and
                         Conference.*                             highly recommend a pre-application
                                                                  meeting to assist applicants early in their
                Related    N4
                 Actions                                          proposal and ensure the review process
                      •   Lead Agency: City of Des Moines,        is as efficient as possible. Some even
                         Development Services                     require a pre-application meeting based
                                                                  on project type, such as Pittsburgh, PA
                                                                  that requires a pre-application meeting
                                                                  for any historic nomination. Communities
                                                                  across the country follow this model of
                                                                  highly encouraging a pre-application
                                                                  meeting for historic preservation review
                                                                  include Saint Paul, MN; Pittsburgh, PA;
                                                                  Lee County, FL; and Currituck County,
                                                                  NC ,the last of which even publishes
                                                                  suggested pre-application conference

              Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
              * Requires ongoing work.

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