Page 79 - Reflect DSM (City of Des Moines, IA)
P. 79
Related M1
Actions Administratively Approved
• Lead Agency: City of Des Moines, Certificate of Appropriateness
Development Services (AACOA)
• Partners: City of Des Moines,
Neighborhood Services; City of Des Currently, the City of Des Moines
Moines, Engineering; City of Des Moines, Administratively Approves 16 application
Parks and Recreation; State Historic
Preservation Office (SHPO); Iowa State types, as outlined on the last page of the
University (faculty and students); Drake COA application form. Expanding this
University; Greater Des Moines Public Art list, especially as more historic resources
may be designated and increase the
Historic Preservation Commission's review
N3. Improve the functionality of the load, will assist in maintaining an efficient
City's preservation program review process for all involved.
tools and processes.
Additional topics to consider for
AACOAs include:
Goal Goal Goal
1 2 3 – Any in-kind repair of exterior building
materials or features, as well as fence
a. Conduct regular meetings between repair or partial reconstruction;
department leaders to discuss – Changes to the rear facade of the
ongoing and upcoming projects structure, or any facades not visible
that may directly or indirectly impact from the public realm (note that a clear
historic and cultural resources in the definition would be needed for "public
City (designated and/or recognized realm");
as important by community
members). – The replacement or repair of existing
signs, or installation of signs in historically
b. Evaluate staff's capacity to maintain appropriate locations and sizes; and
the existing historic preservation
program activity and enhance the – Roof mounted and mechanical
program's community reach, and equipment that is not visible from the
identify additional resources as public realm.
needed.* Many communities publish a matrix
c. Expand the list of Administratively to easily distinguish application types
Approved Certificate of that require administrative approval vs.
Appropriateness (AACOA) topics to HPC approval, including St. Charles, IL;
reserve the most complicated and
detailed topics for the HPC, while also Excelsior Springs, MO; and Portsmouth,
reducing the number of applications VA.
that make it to the HPC meeting to
reduce meeting length. Publish this list
as a matrix to the historic preservation
d. Evaluate the demolition review
process for properties outside local
historic districts.
Goal 1: Equitable and Inclusive; Goal 2: Community-Centered; Goal 3: Strategically Integrated
* Requires ongoing work.
Adopted Plan (September 2023) 73