Page 184 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 184
7.13 Consider incorporating and combining systems and
features from each of the LID categories.
a. Consider incorporating “conservation designs” that
To learn more about Low Impact focus on preserving open space, such as clustered
Development (LID) principles, the development, reducing pavement and creating shared
importance of incorporating them driveways.
into a project and the economic
and environmental benefits of LID b. Consider incorporating “infiltration practices” that focus
features, visit the following websites on engineering structures or landscape features that are
and documents: designed to capture and infiltrate runoff such as basins
and rain gardens.
California LID Portal (from the c. Consider incorporating “runoff storage practices” that
California Stormwater Quality capture, store and reuse stormwater runoff including
rain barrels, green roofs and depressional storage in landscape islands.
d. Consider incorporating “runoff conveyance practices”
that route excess runoff through swales and long flow
Toolbox (from the California
Stormwater Quality Association): paths in landscaped areas with minimal piping and hard
surfaces, while maintaining traditional flow patterns of
lid/toolbox high flow events offsite.
e. Consider incorporating “filtration practices” that direct
stormwater runoff to bioretention areas, rain gardens,
“Reducing Stormwater Costs
through Low Impact Development vegetated swales and filter strips that capture pollutants
(LID) Strategies and Practices”: from the runoff.
f. Consider incorporating “low impact landscaping”
default/files/downloads/ that reduces impervious surfaces, increases infiltration
epa_2007_-_reducing_stormwater_ potential and improves the aesthetics of a site such as
costs_through_lid.pdf native plants, re/planting turf areas and amending soil to
improve infiltration.
“Low Impact Development
Technical Design Manual”:
7.14 Integrate Low Impact Development (LID) systems and features to minimize impacts to the municipal
stormwater system and area watersheds.
a. Incorporate permeable surfaces into the overall site
“Healdsburg Non-Stormwater Best
Management Practices”: design on small surface areas such as pathways, rather
than parking lots or large areas in the right-of-way.
Storm-Water b. Include a stormwater management feature - such as a
bioretention swale or another planted paving system,
greenroofs and rain gardens/barrels/cisterns, as a site
CASQA’s Best Management
Practices Handbooks: amenity or landscape feature.
c. Utilize native plants (Appendix F in the LID manual) that
bmp-handbooks do not require additional irrigation beyond the initial
plant establishment period.
Caltran’s Standards for Stormwater
176 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines