Page 182 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 182

Low Impact Development Principles

                                             Low Impact Development (LID) is a specific development strategy
                                             that addresses stormwater runoff at the source, closely mimicking
                                             the natural, pre-development, hydrologic systems rather than
                                             building infrastructure to handle runoff. LID is required by State
                                             and Federal law for some projects and is encouraged on all
                                             projects. LID principles not only increase the environmental

        Incorporate a natural drainage way   benefits of a development, but also are fiscally beneficial to
        as an amenity to the site plan.      communities. The design guidelines below are intended to
                                             complement landscaping requirements in the Healdsburg Zoning
                                             and Stormwater Ordinances by promoting the use of low-impact
                                             development features. Many of the design guidelines provided
                                             below indicate LID solutions that are effective on a larger scale.
                                             For single-family development and smaller projects, consider
                                             solutions listed below as well as scaled-down versions. These
                                             guidelines address external features.

                                             7.9  Maintain pre-development hydrologic characteristics
                                                    to minimize stormwater impacts.
        Incorporate LID principles to               a.  Preserve natural vegetation and drainage patterns.
        address stormwater as close to              b.  Incorporate a natural drainage way as an amenity on a
        the source as possible including               site.
        permeable surfaces and paving               c.  Alter natural drainage patterns only to mimic pre-
        systems.                                       development hydrologic characteristics.

         NOTE                                7.10  Incorporate stormwater management systems that

         The City of Healdsburg Zoning and          minimize runoff and maximize water quality.
         Stormwater Ordinance provides              Consider management systems that:
         specific guidance for landscaping          a.  Provide areas for stormwater to infiltrate into the ground
         and stormwater that must also be              to mimic the natural water cycle.
         adhered to. Refer to the Zoning            b.  Remove pollutants from stormwater through uptake by
         Ordinance prior to beginning a
         project. In addition, the LID Manual          plants and trees in rain gardens.
         provided below includes additional         c.  Provide flows through vegetative buffers to remove
         information regarding designing for           pollutants.
         stormwater and incorporating Low
         Impact Development principles.

                                             Use stormwater management systems as site amenities.

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