Page 177 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 177
Monument Signs
A monument sign is a permanent, free-standing sign supported
on the ground by a solid base rather than by poles or open
braces. These signs can be two-sided provided that both sides
cannot be seen simultaneously from any point. Monument signs
are typically located on a landscaped portion of a site, may
be near a building entrance, near the street or placed at a key
Locate a monument sign to
Monument signs are used to display a wide variety of information integrate with the site design.
including directories of tenants, store names or welcome signage
as a visitor enters the city. They should be used in lieu of a pole
6.79 Locate a monument sign to integrate with the site
a. Ensure that a monument sign does not encroach on or
interrupt a prominent site feature or internal walkway.
6.80 Scale a monument sign to be of a size and height that
expresses human scale.
a. Use a low profile monument sign that is easily readable,
but does not block views to a building.
Scale a monument sign to be of a size and height that expresses human
Commercial, Industrial, Mixed Use and Large-Scale Multi-Family Development Design Guidelines Chapter 6 169