Page 180 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 180
Development in Healdsburg should incorporate sustainable
design features whenever possible to reduce environmental
impacts and conserve energy. This will also help achieve the City’s
overall sustainability objectives. Site design should incorporate
sustainability features to reduce energy consumption and
stormwater runoff, and building designs should incorporate
sustainability features that maximize energy efficiency and address
seasonal changes in natural lighting and ventilation conditions.
Consider incorporating a feature Low Impact Development (LID) principles and guidelines are
that conserves energy, such as an covered in the next section in this chapter.
external shading device.
7.1 Use landscaping to reduce the need for heating and
a. Use trees and landscaping to create shade in warm
months and sun exposure in cool months.
b. Consider incorporating a living roof.
7.2 Choose a material that reduces energy consumption.
a. Use a local, recycled material where possible.
b. Use a light colored surface material that reflects heat.
c. Consider incorporating an energy-generating feature on
a site. This may include a freestanding solar panel, solar
Collect and use rainwater for
irrigation. powered lighting or similar feature.
d. Consider incorporating a living roof.
7.3 Consider a building design feature that conserves
a. Utilize external shading (landscape and/or integrated
into the building) to keep out summer sun and let in
winter sun.
b. Design windows to maximize light into interior spaces.
c. Use exterior shading devices, such as overhangs, to
manage solar gain in summer months and welcome solar
access in winter months.
d. Incorporate a renewable energy device, including a solar
collector or wind turbine.
7.4 When redeveloping a site, salvage or reuse site and
building materials where possible.
a. Incorporate a functional existing building into a
redevelopment project in order to minimize waste and
greenhouse gas emissions associated with demolition.
172 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines