Page 186 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 186
Incorporating Art in a Project
Public art includes creative features that are accessible or visible
from the public realm, and are seen as an amenity in Healdsburg.
Such features may include sculptures, murals, mosaics or other
similar features. The design guidelines below are consistent with
the City’s art policy. Public art is expressly encouraged for the
enjoyment of a project’s owners and tenants, and when located
to be visible from the public realm, for the greater Healdsburg
community. Public art should be encouraged as a design feature.
Incorporating public art in a For those arts elements that are visible from the street, art should
project is encouraged. A public provide visual interest along the street, enhance walkability and
art piece located exterior to promote placemaking.
a building should be suitable
for outdoor display, including
its long-term maintenance and The intention of the design guidelines that follow is not to
conservation requirements. address the content or selection of public art but rather to
provide guidance about the appropriate placement of permanent
7.17 Consider incorporating public art into a project design.
a. Locate public art in a way that will not impede circulation
to or through a site.
b. Locate art to provide a focal point for an outdoor public
space and to be accessible to the public.
c. Consider incorporating public art as a stand-alone
feature or as a feature that is integrated into the design
of a building or functional amenities such as transit stops
Consider using public art or benches.
strategically to help encourage the d. Incorporate art that is durable and that will not
use of courtyards, plazas and other deteriorate over time.
public spaces.
e. Maintain and clean the art as necessary to ensure that it
remains clean and does not become a home for graffiti,
birds or other unintended objects.
7.18 Design public art to enhance the overall public realm
and the pedestrian experience.
a. Where appropriate, use public art to help create or
enhance places of community gathering and active
public use.
b. Install public art where it can be comfortably
experienced by pedestrians, and where it does not
Design public art to enhance negatively impact adjacent property owners’ views and
the overall public realm and the uses of their property.
pedestrian experience. c. Consider a public art location that will frame or enhance
an important public view opportunity.
178 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines