Page 200 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 200

8.5  Replace a character-defining feature accurately.
                                                    a.  The design should be substantiated by physical or
                                                       pictorial evidence to avoid creating a misrepresentation
                                                       of the building’s history.
                                                    b.  Use the same kind of material as the original when
                                                       feasible. However, a substitute material may be
                                                       acceptable if the size, shape, texture and finish conveys
                                                       the visual appearance of the original. Alternative
                                                       materials are usually more acceptable in locations that

        Figure 8.4: When disassembly of a              are remote from view or direct contact.
        historic feature is necessary for its       c.  Restore altered openings on primary facades to their
        repair, document its location so it            original configuration, when feasible, using historic
        may be repositioned correctly.                 photos.

                                             8.6  When reconstructing an element is impossible,
                                                    develop a new design that is a compatible
                                                    interpretation of it.
                                                    a.  The new element should be similar to comparable
                                                       features in general size, shape, texture, material and

                                             8.7  Avoid adding an architectural detail, such as a bracket
                                                    or an intricate balustrade, that was not part of the
                                                    original building.
                                                    a.  For example, decorative millwork should not be added
        Figure 8.5: Where replacement                  to a building if it was not an original feature. Doing so
        of an element is required, remove              would convey a false history.
        only those portions that are
        deteriorated beyond repair.

                                             Restore altered openings on primary facades to their original
                                             configuration, when feasible, using historic photos.

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