Page 202 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 202

                                             The character-defining features of a historic door and its distinct
                                             materials and placement should be preserved. When a new door
                                             is needed, it should be in character with the building. This is
                                             especially important on primary facades.

                                             8.13  Preserve the decorative and functional features of a
                                                    primary entrance.
        When replacing a door, use                  a.  These include the door, door frame, screen door,
        materials that appear similar to               threshold, glass panes, paneling, hardware, detailing,
        that of the original.                          transoms and flanking sidelights.
                                                    b.  Avoid changing the position of an original front door.

                                             8.14  Maintain the original proportions of a historically
 Conservation plan: an inventory and analysis of historic resources   Corbel: a bracket of stone, wood, or metal projecting from the side
                                                Corbel: a bracket of stone, wood, or metal projecting from the side
 Conservation plan: an inventory and analysis of historic resources
                                                    significant door.
 within a geographic area of the city that has been designated or   of a wall and serving to support a cornice, the spring of an arch, a
 within a geographic area of the city that has been designated or
                                                of a wall and serving to support a cornice, the spring of an arch, a
                                                    a.  Altering the original size and shape of a historic door is
 proposed for designation as an historic district pursuant to the   balustrade, or other element.
 proposed for designation as an historic district pursuant to the
                                                balustrade, or other element.
 provisions of this article, which contains standards for alteration,   b.  Avoid adding sidelights when not part of the original
 provisions of this article, which contains standards for alteration,
 rehabilitation, restoration, construction, relocation and demolition of   Cornice: a projecting ornamental molding along the top of a
                                                Cornice: a projecting ornamental molding along the top of a
 rehabilitation, restoration, construction, relocation and demolition of
 buildings, structures, objects or sites in an historic district.   building.   building.
 buildings, structures, objects or sites in an historic district.
                                             8.15  When replacing a door, use materials that appear
 Conservation plan: an inventory and analysis of historic resources
                                                 Corbel: a bracket of stone, wood, or metal projecting from the side
        This simple door design
 Construction: the act of expanding an existing building, structure or   Demolition: an act or process that destroys in whole or in part any
                                                    similar to that of the original.
 Construction: the act of expanding an existing building, structure or
                                                Demolition: an act or process that destroys in whole or in part any
        complements the minimal
 within a geographic area of the city that has been designated or
                                                 of a wall and serving to support a cornice, the spring of an arch, a
 object or the erection of a new building, structure or object on a lot,   building, structure, object, or site.
                                                building, structure, object, or site.
 object or the erection of a new building, structure or object on a lot,
        traditional building form.
                                                 balustrade, or other element.
 proposed for designation as an historic district pursuant to the
 site, or other property.                    8.16  When replacing a door, use a design that has an
 site, or other property.
 provisions of this article, which contains standards for alteration,  Designation: the formal recognition by the city council of a building,
                                                    appearance similar to the original door, or a door
                                                Designation: the formal recognition by the city council of a building,
                                                    associated with the building style or type.
 rehabilitation, restoration, construction, relocation and demolition of
                                                 Cornice: a projecting ornamental molding along the top of a
 Context: the surrounding environment of a building or site, including   structure, object, site, or district as historically, architecturally,
 Context: the surrounding environment of a building or site, including
                                                structure, object, site, or district as historically, architecturally,
 buildings, structures, objects or sites in an historic district.
 other structures, site features, landscape, and streets.  culturally, or archaeologically significant to the city, state, nation, or
 other structures, site features, landscape, and streets.
                                                culturally, or archaeologically significant to the city, state, nation, or
                                             8.17  Do not create a new entrance on a primary elevation
                                  region.       region.
                                                    that was not historically there or formalize an entrance
 Construction: the act of expanding an existing building, structure or
 Contributing: a building, structure, object, or site that reinforces the   Demolition: an act or process that destroys in whole or in part any
 Contributing: a building, structure, object, or site that reinforces the
                                                    that was historically used as a service or utilitarian
 object or the erection of a new building, structure or object on a lot,
                                                 building, structure, object, or site.
 cultural, architectural, or historical significance of the historic district   Door  Door
 cultural, architectural, or historical significance of the historic district
 site, or other property.
 in which it is located.
 in which it is located.
                                                  Craftsman Style
                                                 Designation: the formal recognition by the city council of a building,
 Context: the surrounding environment of a building or site, including
 Contributing structure: a building, structure, object, or site that is   structure, object, site, or district as historically, architecturally,
 Contributing structure: a building, structure, object, or site that is
 other structures, site features, landscape, and streets.
 identified as contributing to the designation of the historic district in   culturally, or archaeologically significant to the city, state, nation, or
 identified as contributing to the designation of the historic district in
 which it is located.                            region.
 which it is located.
 Contributing: a building, structure, object, or site that reinforces the
 cultural, architectural, or historical significance of the historic district   Door
 This residence on Sabine Street is a
 in which it is located.   This residence on Sabine Street is a   Victorian Style
 contributing structure
 contributing structure
 Contributing structure: a building, structure, object, or site that is
 identified as contributing to the designation of the historic district in
 which it is located.
 This residence on Sabine Street is a
        Maintain the original proportions
 contributing structure           Doors in the District display a range of designs with recessed
                                                  Figure 8.7: Preserve the decorative and functional features of a
        of a historically significant door.
                                                Doors in the District display a range of designs with recessed
                                                  primary entrance.
                                  panels; some of these may contain glass lights.
        194 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines panels; some of these may contain glass lights.
                                                 Doors in the District display a range of designs with recessed
 Old Sixth Ward Protected Historic  District Design  Guidelines Guidelines  panels; some of these may contain glass lights.   A-7  A-7
 Old Sixth Ward Protected Historic
   District Design
 Old Sixth Ward Protected Historic  District Design  Guidelines                                                             A-7
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