Page 206 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 206
A historic building foundation contributes to the character of a
historic structure and should be preserved. Altering or replacing
the historic foundation walls is discouraged. However, it may be
necessary to replace historic foundation walls with compatible
new materials where the historic foundation is deteriorated
beyond repair.
8.32 Maintain and repair a historic foundation.
Maintain and repair a historic a. Re-point historic masonry foundations to match the
foundation. historic design.
b. Design landscaping and other site features to keep
water from collecting near the foundation.
c. Repair only the portion of the foundation that is in need
of repair.
d. Do not cover a historic foundation with newer siding
e. Do not install windows, window wells or an access door
on the front façade of a historic foundation.
Use materials and details 8.33 Replace a foundation wall using new material that is
that resemble those used in similar in character to the historic foundation.
foundations on similar nearby a. For example, if a stone foundation must be replaced,
historic properties. a material that conveys the scale and texture of the
historic fabric may be considered.
b. Use materials and details that resemble those used in
foundations on similar nearby historic properties.
Re-point historic masonry
foundations to match the historic
198 Healdsburg Citywide Design Guidelines