Page 209 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 209

Guidelines for Site Improvements to

        a Historic Property or in a Historic

        New site improvements should not destroy, damage or obscure
        character-defining features of a historic structure or district.

        8.41  Preserve historic site features that are character-
               defining features of a historic property or district.              Locate new on-site parking,
               a.  Preserve landscape and open space elements which are           loading docks and ramps to be
                  important to defining the overall historic character of the     unobtrusive.

                                                                                   SANBORN MAPS
        8.42  Repair historic site features where possible.
                                                                                   Drawn in the late-1800s until the
        8.43  Design a new site feature to be in scale with the                    mid-1900s, Sanborn maps are large-
                                                                                   scale and depict the commercial,
               existing development and site elements.                             industrial and residential sections
               a.  Utilize landscape features and plants that are visually         of thousands of towns across North
                  compatible with the site and that do not obstruct the            America. Originally, Sanborn maps
                  site patterns or views.                                          were drawn to assist fire insurance
                                                                                   agents in determining the degree of
                                                                                   hazard associated with a particular
        8.44  Locate new on-site parking, loading docks and ramps                  property. The maps show the size
               to be unobtrusive to the historic structure.                        and shape of buildings and sites, the
               a.  Locate a parking facility in way that will not cause            building’s use and widths and names
                  damage to the historic building or landscape features.           of streets. Because of the amount of
                                                                                   detail recorded on Sanborn maps,
                                                                                   a wealth of information can be
        8.45  Remove non-significant buildings, additions or site                  understood about a historic property
               features which detract from the historic character of               and changes to that property over
                                                                                   time. Therefore, when deciding
               the site.
                                                                                   where to locate a site feature or
                                                                                   site improvement, consulting the
                                                                                   relevant Sanborn maps can be
                                                                                   extremely useful. Sanborn maps
                                                                                   for the City of Healdsburg can be
                                                                                   found in the Sonoma County Library
                                                                                   and the Healdsburg Museum. More
                                                                                   information about the Library’s
                                                                                   collection of maps can be found at:

                                                                         Treatment of Historic Resources Chapter 8  201
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