Page 197 - Healdsburg, CA Citywide Design Guidelines
P. 197
Repair deteriorated historic features and replace
only those elements that cannot be repaired.
Upgrade existing materials, using recognized historic preservation
methods wherever possible. If disassembly is necessary for repair
or restoration, use methods that minimize damage to original
materials and the replacement of original configuration.
Design additions and alterations to a historic
structure to respect the historic structure and
maintain its integrity.
When constructing an addition, do not try to emulate a historic
style to make the addition look older than its actual age. A Repair deteriorated historic
contemporary design for an alteration or addition to a historic features and replace only those
structure should not be discouraged as long as it does not destroy elements that cannot be repaired.
character-defining features of the historic structure and as long
as the design is compatible with the historic structure and the
district. Wherever possible, a new addition or alteration to a
historic structure should be done in such a manner that if it were
to be removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of
the structure would be unimpaired. Refer to Figure 8.13 for more
information about designing an addition to a historic structure.
Protect and maintain significant
features and stylistic elements.
An Architectural Styles Guide is
provided in Appendix E. Consult
this Guide prior to beginning work
on a building that qualifies under
the applicability guidelines in this
chapter. If there are additional
questions prior to reading the
Guide, consult City of Healdsburg
Planning staff.
Treatment of Historic Resources Chapter 8 189