Page 10 - Jackson, WY Overlay Design Guidelines
P. 10
STREET AND GROUND LEVEL INTEREST & SHELTER A storefront allows views to activities inside
the building on a street-facing façade.
Design Intent: These display windows are inappropriate
Area 1 and Area 2 are the town’s central visitor experience. Therefore, the since the windows are not set into the wall.
building design at the street and ground level where there is pedestrian
traffic should provide visual interest, and some protection from seasonal
change (sun in the summer and snow/ice in the winter.)
Area 1 & Area 2 Design Guidelines:
1.4 Provide visual interest to pedestrians by incorporating
alternative wall treatments at the ground level where there may
not be as many windows or storefronts.
a. Alternative wall treatments include:
» Window display cases
Smaller display window(s) that allow
» Wall art views to activities into the building on
a secondary street-facing façade is
» Architectural detailing appropriate in Area 2 for some building
» Landscape planters (Area 2 only) types, such as office, or residential.
» Outdoor dining space
» Canopies (Area 2 only)
Area 1 Design Guidelines:
1.5 Develop the street level to provide visual interest to pedestrians
and shelter.
a. Clearly define a pedestrian entrance.
» Recessed entries are often incorporated.
b. Provide a storefront or display window(s) that allow views to activities
into the building.
» These windows are often composed of a set of smaller panes in
» A short stem wall (a bulkhead or kickplate) at the base of the The intent of a display window is to
storefront, provides support to the windows. allow views into the building; however,
there may be some cases where another
c. A large expanse of blank wall is inappropriate. treatment is appropriate to accommodate
D. an interior use and still provide interest at
the street level with some transparency.
This would be an appropriate approach on
a secondary street in Area 2.