Page 106 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 106


        VISION 2040


        Littleton will continue to be a hometown community that   We recognize that our vision for Littleton’s future is framed
        is widely known and envied as a city with “strong bones.”   differently than many communities as we are a largely built-out
        Among the features that earn Littleton this reputation are   city. As we focus on managing change amid this reality, we
        its historic and vibrant downtown, its light rail transit link to   envision a Littleton in 2040 that has:
        the Denver region, and its distinguishing yet often unseen     ` Maintained the integrity of its established neighborhoods
        natural asset, the South Platte River. Along with the    and historic areas.
        highly utilized greenway, trails, and preserves that frame     ` Protected its cherished natural setting in harmony with new
        the Platte, residents and visitors also prize the High Line   development and redevelopment.
        Canal Trail that weaves through the city.
                                                                 ` Ensured that reinvestment in the community, whether in
        Littleton will especially be held up as the “real thing” when   Littleton’s legacy housing stock or along its commercial
        it comes to maintaining a sense of community among its   corridors, has met local expectations for quality and
        residents and managing the essential physical traits that   compatibility with its surroundings.
        define community character, neighborhood by distinct     ` Made itself even safer and more accessible for all the ways
        neighborhood.                                            that people navigate through and within Littleton.

        It will remain a place where nature and city living      ` Achieved a higher standard for cleanliness and burnished
        intersect, can both be enjoyed, and are guarded with a   its appeal as a place with strikingly beautiful vistas.
        fierce sense of stewardship.                             ` Secured the long-term sustainability of city finances to
                                                                 continue providing its citizens the best in public services.


        In listening to stories and memories about Littleton, along with residents’ desires and concerns for its future, the following
        values came through consistently. The bulleted items under each are examples of how those expressing such values
        related them to their own experience of or pride in Littleton. Many communities share common values, issues, and
        priorities (e.g., to be a safe place). Littleton’s core values include a passion for and/or commitment to:

        LOCAL HISTORY                        BEING INCLUSIVE                     INTEGRITY
           ` Preserve and celebrate it          ` Age, race, income, and faith      ` Of community and neighborhood
           ` Highlight and tie it to our identity   diversity                       character
           and events                           ` Housing options                   ` Of natural resources and open
           ` Origin as own town, rural and later     ` Neighbors knowing neighbors  space endowment
           suburban heritage                    ` Caring for those in need          ` Of architectural heritage and
           ` Build on accomplishments of past     ` Welcoming to families,          landmarks
           eras and leaders                    newcomers, and visitors              ` Of governance and open, inclusive
        THE OUTDOORS                         BEING A MODEL COMMUNITY
           ` Health and fitness focus           ` Leader among metro and         QUALITY
           ` Front Range proximity             Colorado cities                      ` Schools
           ` Stewardship of river and open      ` High in livability, family-friendly,     ` Built environment
           space assets                        and other rankings                   ` Air and water
                                                ` Partnerships with other public     ` Open space
                                               agencies                             ` Public services
                                             CIVIC INVOLVEMENT                   SAFETY
                                                ` Being informed citizens           ` Pedestrian/cyclist/driver safety
           ADOPTED                              ` Having a voice in city government    ` Security from crime
       Envision Report                          ` Volunteer service                 ` Child protection

           December 18, 2018
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