Page 109 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 109




        Over 150 survey responses cited “Small Town Feel” when asked to list words that represent what they value about
        Littleton. In addition, more than 100 survey responses mentioned "Community" or "Community Feel," and similar
        comments were made repeatedly during in-person discussions. This was not surprising to the planning consultants on
        the Envision team as they hear these sentiments in most every city they work with, from small burgs of several thousand
        residents to cities with populations into the hundreds of thousands. The challenge is that "small town feel" and "a sense
        of community" can mean different things to different people, and they remain abstract concepts unless clarified. Based
        on lengthier survey comments, focus groups, community coffee chats, and in-depth discussions at community events,
        the highly valued "small town feel" and "community feel" that exists in Littleton stems from the following:

                                             Stable Population

                                        Many Littleton residents grew up in Littleton,   Complete Community
                                         stayed for a lifetime after moving here, or
       Active in Daytime                   have family that also live in Littleton.  Littleton has many more pieces in place than
                                                                                others in aiming to be a complete community
         Littleton is an active daytime city
      versus a sleepy “bedroom community."                                       with homes, businesses, schools, diverse
                                             SAFE                                places of worship, outdoor recreation and
                                                                                health and fitness amenities, entertainment,
                                                                                  healthcare, and transportation options.

                  Destination for                                                           WELCOMING AND

                        Visitors                                                                FRIENDLY

             AND HISTORY                                                     Neighborhoods

               Gathering Places                                                           FAMILY AND
                                                                                       SENIOR FRIENDLY
             Littleton has community gathering places -
           including Downtown Littleton, local businesses,   ENGAGED AND
            Hudson Gardens, the Aspen Grove lifestyle   PROUD CITIZENS
           center, Littleton parks, Bemis Library, and the                           Community Events
                      Littleton Museum.

                                              Quality Schools

               SUPERIOR PUBLIC                                                 ACCESSIBLE
                   SERVICES                                                   CITY OFFICIALS               ADOPTED
                                                                                                        Envision Report

                                                                                                           December 18, 2018
   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114