Page 111 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
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Envision Littleton–Envision Littleton is a
Littleton will develop a new Comprehensive Plan in 2019.
The Comprehensive Plan goals, and its more fine-grained community-driven process to develop a vision for
policies and objectives, will be based on the Values, Littleton that will directly inform the city’s plans for
Guiding Principles, and Vision identified through the next 10-20 years. Envision Littleton imagines the
Envision Littleton. The first phase allowed the Envision future of the community. We listened to what you
Team to develop new relationships in the community with value, why you love Littleton, and your ideas about the
residents, organizations, and businesses, to build upon future. This vision is the initial step in a larger process
during the Comprehensive Plan process. Envision Littleton to update the city's Comprehensive Plan and prepare
also exposed data gaps and areas and topics of contention a first-ever Transportation Master Plan.
or disagreement to focus on during the Comprehensive Vision–A broad statement of what a community
Plan phase. hopes and intends to be in the future. With words
and images, it offers a picture of that future to provide
BUILDING ON RECENT AND EARLIER EFFORTS inspiration, motivation, and a framework for more
IN LITTLETON detailed planning and decision-making.
Envision Littleton builds upon the extensive existing Guiding Principles–Describe the values identified
planning work undertaken by the city as well as regional by the community and serve as the foundation for the
and local organizations. These existing, and in some cases Vision. The Guiding Principles provide a reference
ongoing planning efforts provide a baseline of data and point for Littleton to consider when making decisions.
ideas that will inform both this Vision Report and the 2019 The guiding principles reflect major themes, or areas
Comprehensive Plan. of focus, for achieving the desired vision that emerged
` Recent City of Littleton Plans ( based on analysis of input by stakeholders.
▪ 2014 “Citywide Plan” Values–Identify what matters most to the community
▪ Belleview Avenue Corridor Vision and how it wishes to be viewed by others. Our shared
▪ Mineral Station Area Framework values inform the vision.
▪ Littleton Downtown Design Standards
` Earlier Comprehensive Plans, Corridor Plans,
and other Special Area Plans, both adopted and
` City of Littleton Resident and Business Surveys
(2012, 2014, 2016, 2018)
` Littleton Housing Study
` Recent publications on Littleton's history and
architectural heritage
` Regional and Local Partner Plans
▪ South Platte River Corridor Vision
▪ High Line Canal Conservancy Vision
▪ South Suburban Parks and Recreation Master Plan
▪ RTD (Regional Transportation District)
2015-2020 Strategic Plan
▪ DRCOG (Denver Regional Council of
Governments) Metro Vision
Envision Report
December 18, 2018