Page 112 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 112



        The goals of the Envision Littleton community engagement were to tailor the engagement to each group, go to the
        community where they were already gathering, and build long-term relationships, awareness, and engagement
        throughout all phases of Envision Littleton.

        During both the first visioning phase and the second            VISION REPORT ENGAGEMENT TIMELINE
        comprehensive plan phase we are guided by the following
        principles:                                                        The stages of Envision Littleton include:
           ` We are working in partnership with our residents,
           businesses, and visitors.                                     LAY THE GROUNDWORK
           ` We are transparent.
           ` We strive to involve everyone including residents, employers,
           employees, and visitors.                                         INVOLVE EVERYONE
           ` We tailor our interactions to bring out the wisdom of our
           ` We are systematic in how we compare and analyze what we
           hear.                                                             CHECK OUR WORK
           ` We are building long-term relationships for all city efforts.
           ` We show participants how their input is used throughout the
           process.                                                              TAKE  ACTION
           ` We build upon existing efforts, activities, and resources.
           ` We maintain flexibility to maximize opportunities and input.

        We need your help
                                                                                  YOU ARE HERE
            to do it right!

                                        YOU tell us
                                      what you love.
                                                                           YOU check
                                        Our shared                          our work.
                                      values inform
                                        the vision.      More input                         Final vision
                      Listen and                          from YOU.                          guides our
                        Learn                           Define vision                          future
                                                        elements (3-5).                      planning.

           ADOPTED                   June – September                       October     November / December
       Envision Report

           December 18, 2018
   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117