Page 108 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 108




        The Envision Littleton survey asked residents what they value most about living in Littleton as well as concerns they
        have for the future of Littleton. In addition to the survey, the Envision team held over 100 events and had almost 3,000
        in-person conversations. These helped to validate the survey results and enabled more “drill down” questions and
        interaction. Analysis of this input revealed that while there are various features and considerations about Littleton that
        people do not always agree on, many people share basic values that are reflected in the vision and guiding principles.
        Related to the lists below of most frequently cited priorities and concerns, examples of such underlying values include
        emphasis on fitness and healthy living, appreciation of natural assets and the outdoors, and interest in having a safe,
        inclusive, neighborly, and visually attractive community.

        SHARED PRIORITIES                                       SHARED CONCERNS
        The following elements consistently came up as being    The following elements consistently came up as being
        valued in Littleton (sometimes to register concern about   concerns about the future of Littleton, although in many
        how an element might change or be threatened):          instances there was significant variation as to why people
           ` Parks, trails, and open space (along the South Platte   were concerned about an issue:
           River, canals, and creeks and within neighborhoods)     ` Traffic
           ` Small town feel and community                         ` Growth impacts
           ` Downtown Littleton                                    ` Compatibility of redevelopment
           ` Littleton Public Schools                              ` Downtown parking
           ` Safety                                                ` Crime and safety
           ` Accessibility (having a variety of ways to get around     ` Affordability           “The traffic, as is,
           Littleton as well as connect to Denver and other parts of     ` Contentious local politics   is unsustainable, in
           the region)                                                                           20 years it will be
           ` Amenities (such as Bemis Library and the Littleton                                  worse. It has to be
           Museum) and events (such as Western Welcome Week)

                                                        “Littleton is a great
          “I have two sons, one currently of           city to live in. It has a    seems to be
         school age, and Littleton schools are        nice small-town feel and       going up.”
        some of the best around.  Additionally       great amenities, including
         my family and I have enjoyed, even            parks and local shops.”
         prior to living here, the Downtown
                                                                                                “Affordability - home
           Littleton area, trails, Chatfield,                                                prices are making it tough
           basically all that Littleton has to                                                to attract new residents,
           offer. It's the whole enchilada.”                                                    especially younger
                                                                                              working professionals.”

                                                     “Littleton is a special place in the
                                                       greater Denver Metro area. It
                                                     has maintained its history in terms
                                                       of community that is reflected
                               “I could think
                                                      in parks, common areas, buildings,
                                 of no other
                                                       walkability, friendliness, etc.”
                                city I would
                                wish to live.”
       Envision Report                                                              Quotes from Envision survey respondents.

           December 18, 2018
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