Page 114 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 114



        As part of the Envision Littleton engagement, an online survey was created as one
        of many opportunities to voice values, concerns, and priorities about Littleton’s           YOUR
        future. The Envision Littleton survey was open from June 12 to September 4, 2018.
        The survey was highly publicized through a variety of communication methods and
        a paper survey was also available. The survey was open to anyone and is not a   VOICE
        scientific sample of residents. As such, the results represent the opinions of those
        who took the survey and are not representative of all voices and opinions. The
        survey results provide insight into values and priorities that, when combined with       MATTERS
        results from other engagement methods for Envision Littleton, establish the basis
        for the vision and guiding principles.

                                          AGE DISTRIBUTION

              SURVEY                        Respondents    Actual Population
        DEMOGRAPHICS                  25%
         ` Total Surveys Completed:
           870 (852 online)           15%
           ` Total Resident Surveys
          (address within Littleton    5%
             city limits): 635         0%
                                            10 - 17  18 - 24   25 - 34  35 - 44  45 - 54   55 - 64  65 - 74   75 +

        RACE / ETHNICITY                                                         Year first moved to, began
                                                                                 working in, or visiting Littleton
           Respondents   Actual Population
                                                                                                         % of Responses
        Hispanic or Latino(a)   12.0%
              (of any race)  3.8%                                                 Before 1970                9%
                                                                        91.6%     1970 to 1979              10%
         White or Caucasian
                                                                          95.4%   1980 to 1989              12%
            Black or African   1.7%                                               1990 to 1999              18%
                American   1.0%
                                                                                  2000 to 2009              20%
         Asian, Asian Indian,    2.0%
          or Pacific Islander  1.8%                                               2010 to 2014              15%
                                                                                  2015 to now               15%
          American Indian or   0.7%
             Alaska Native  1.7%                                                  No Response or Unsure      1%

        The demographics of respondents represent only the survey portion of the outreach and do not represent the full
        demographics of those reached through Envision Littleton. Of the approximately 3,000 community conversations held
        through September, it is estimated that 1/4 (750 people) were in the 0-24 age range.

       Envision Report

           December 18, 2018
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119