Page 189 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 189

Fiscal Impact Analysis
                                                                                         The City of Littleton, CO

               EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

               The purpose of this Fiscal Impact Analysis (“FIA”) is to provide information to the City of Littleton
               related to the fiscal impact of distinct land use scenarios in order to identify how best to accommodate
               future  growth  while  minimizing  costs.      An  FIA  determines  whether  revenues  generated  by
               development are sufficient to cover the costs resulting from that development—specifically, those
               costs associated with maintaining current  levels of service given the additional service and facility
               demands that growth places on a jurisdiction.

               TischlerBise is part of a consultant team headed by Kendig Keast Collaborative (“KKC”) working with
               the  City  of  Littleton  to  develop  a  Comprehensive  Plan  for  the  municipality,  the  Envision  Littleton
               Comprehensive Plan. TischlerBise’s role is to identify and analyze fiscal impacts of distinct land use
               scenarios in the city.

               This  report  presents  our  findings,  discusses  their  significance,  and  details  our  approach  and


               An  FIA  shows  direct  revenues  and  costs  from  new  development;  development  scenarios  are
               represented by numerical projections of population, housing units, employment, and nonresidential
               building area. We received three land use scenarios from KKC which were developed in coordination
               with City of Littleton staff. The scenarios represent several “what if” situations, with varying levels of
               residential and nonresidential development occurring over the course of the 20-year planning period.

               Once scenarios have been identified, the next major step in the FIA process is to determine current
               service levels and capacities and associated revenues and costs. The service level, revenue, and cost
               assumptions utilized in this analysis are based on on-site interviews and follow-up discussions with
               City  staff,  an  analysis  of  the  City  of  Littleton’s  Fiscal  Year  2019  (“FY2019”)  Budget;  the  2018
               Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; the Littleton Museum Strategic Plan; the Parks, Recreation,
               and Trail Master Plan; the 2019 Facilities Assessment; the 2017 Littleton Housing Study; and other
               relevant documents.

               Using  the  results  of  this  level  of  service/capacity  analysis,  we  developed  a  fiscal  impact  model
               customized for the City of Littleton. We then utilized this model to evaluate the fiscal impact of the
               three distinct land use scenarios provided by KKC.

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