Page 198 - Littleton, CO Comprehensive Plan
P. 198

Fiscal Impact Analysis
                                                                                         The City of Littleton, CO


               TischlerBise is part of a consultant team headed by Kendig Keast Collaborative (“KKC”) working with
               the  City  of  Littleton  to  develop  a  Comprehensive  Plan  for  the  municipality,  the  Envision  Littleton
               Comprehensive Plan.  TischlerBise’s role is to identify and analyze fiscal impacts of distinct land use
               scenarios in the city.  The Fiscal Impact Analysis (“FIA”) presented in this report includes the City of
               Littleton’s General Fund activities, all Special Revenue Fund activities, and an analysis of the Capital
               Projects Fund.

               An FIA determines whether revenues generated by new development are sufficient to cover the costs
               resulting from that development—specifically, those costs associated with maintaining current levels
               of  service  given  the  additional  service  and  facility  demands  that  growth  places  on  a  jurisdiction.
               Existing levels of service reflect public services and infrastructure as currently funded and are typically
               expressed as a cost per demand unit.  For example, maintenance of parks would be expressed as a
               cost per acre of parks to maintain.

               A fiscal impact evaluation is intended to help guide policy decisions regarding land use alternatives,
               levels  of  service,  and  revenue  enhancements.  It  should  not  be  viewed  as  a  budget-forecasting
               document.  Unlike the annual budget process where a budget is balanced with the resources available,
               a fiscal analysis looks at revenues and expenditures separately. An FIA shows direct revenues and costs
               from  new  development  only  and  does  not  include  revenues  or  costs  generated  from  existing
               development.  Development  scenarios  are  represented  by  numerical  projections  of  population,
               housing units, employment, and nonresidential building area.

               TischlerBise received three land use scenarios from KKC which were developed in coordination with
               City  of  Littleton  staff.  The  scenarios  represent  several  “what  if”  situations,  with  varying  levels  of
               residential and nonresidential development occurring over the course of the 20-year planning period.

               Once scenarios  have  been  identified,  the  next  major  step  in  the analysis  process is to  determine
               current service levels and capacities and associated revenues and costs. For the purposes of this FIA,
               we  identified  current  levels  of  service  and  capacities  through  on-site  interviews  and  follow-up
               discussions with City staff, collaboration with the other members of the consulting team, an analysis
               of the City of Littleton’s Fiscal Year 2019 (“FY2019”) Budget; the 2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial
               Report; the Littleton Museum Strategic Plan; the Parks, Recreation, and Trail Master Plan; the 2019
               Facilities Assessment; the 2017 Littleton Housing Study; and other relevant documents. Using the
               results of this level of service/capacity analysis, we developed a fiscal impact model customized for
               the City of Littleton. We then utilized this model to evaluate the fiscal impact of the three distinct
               land use scenarios provided by KKC.

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