Page 126 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 126

LifeMode Group: GenXurban                              5D
                                             Rustbelt Traditions

                                             Households: 2,685,000
                                                                                       Percent of
                                             Average Household Size: 2.46       Pottawatomie County
                                             Median Age: 38.4                         Households
                                             Median Household Income: $49,000

                    WHO ARE WE?                 OUR NEIGHBORHOOD                SOCIOECONOMIC TRAITS
                    The backbone of older industrial cities in states   •  Almost half (46%) of the households are married-couple     •  Most have graduated from high school or
                    surrounding the Great Lakes, Rustbelt Traditions     families, similar to the US (48%), most without children      spent some time at a college or university.
                    residents are a mix of married-couple families     (also similar to the US); the slightly higher proportion     •  Unemployment below the US at 8%;
                    and singles living in older developments of     of singles (Index 105) reflects the aging of the population.     labor force participation slightly higher

                    single-family homes. While varied, the work   •  Average household size is slightly lower at 2.46.    than the US at 67%.
                    force is primarily white collar, with a higher
                    concentration of skilled workers in manufacturing,   •  They are movers, slightly more mobile than the US       •  While most income derived from wages
                    retail trade, and health care. Rustbelt Traditions     population (Index 109), but almost half of householders       and salaries, nearly 30% of households
                    represents a large market of stable, hard-working     (46%) moved into their current homes before 2000.    collecting Social Security and nearly 20%
                    consumers with modest incomes but above   •  Most residents live in modest, single-family homes in       drawing income from retirement accounts.
                    average net worth (Index 111). Family oriented,     older neighborhoods built in the 1950s (Index 218).  •  Family-oriented consumers who value
                    they value time spent at home. Most have lived,   •  Nearly three quarters own their homes; over half of        time spent at home.
                    worked, and played in the same area for years.
                                                  households have mortgages.    •  Most lived, worked, and played in
                                                •  A large and growing market, Rustbelt Traditions         the same area for years.
                                                  residents are located in the dense urban fringe of       •  Budget aware shoppers that favor
                                                  metropolitan areas throughout the Midwest and South.    American-made products.
                             TAPESTRY    TM     •  Most households have two or more vehicles available.  •  Read newspapers, especially the
                                                                                  Sunday editions.
                                                     Note: The Index represents the ratio of the segment rate to the US rate multiplied by 100.
                                                                                      Consumer preferences are estimated from data by GfK MRI.
                                             LifeMode Group: Rustic Outposts                       10A
                                             Southern Satellites

                                             Households: 3,775,000
                                                                                       Percent of
                                             Average Household Size: 2.65       Pottawatomie County
                                             Median Age: 39.7                         Households
                                             Median Household Income: $44,000           4.5%

                    WHO ARE WE?                      OUR NEIGHBORHOOD           SOCIOECONOMIC TRAITS
                    Southern Satellites is the second largest market found  •  About 79% of households are owned.  •  Education: almost 40% have a high school
                    in rural settlements but within metropolitan areas located   •  Married couples with no children are    diploma only (Index 137); 41% have college
                    primarily in the South. This market is typically nondiverse,     the dominant household type, with a       education (Index 72).
                    slightly older, settled married-couple families, who    number of multigenerational households    •  Unemployment rate is 9.2%, slightly higher
                    own their homes. Almost two-thirds of the homes are     (Index 112).    than the US rate.
                    single-family structures; a third are mobile homes.
                    Median household income and home value are below   •  Most are single-family homes (65%), with a    •  Labor force participation rate is 59.7%,
                    average. Workers are employed in a variety of industries,     number of mobile homes (Index 523).    slightly lower than the US.
                    such as manufacturing, health care, retail trade, and   •  Most housing units were built in  •  These consumers are more concerned
                    construction, with higher proportions in mining and    1970 or later.     about cost rather than quality or
                    agriculture than the US. Residents enjoy country living,   •  Most households own 1 or 2 vehicles, but      brand loyalty.
                    preferring outdoor activities and DIY home projects.    owning 3+ vehicles is common (Index 146).  •  They tend to be somewhat late in adapting
                                                                                  to technology.
                                                                                •  They obtain a disproportionate amount of
                                                                                  their information from TV, compared to
                                                                                  other media.
                             TAPESTRY    TM
                                                     Note: The Index represents the ratio of the segment rate to the US rate multiplied by 100.
                                                                                      Consumer preferences are estimated from data by GfK MRI.
                                                                                                               |  119
           Adopted - August 19, 2019                       The Future County    Appendix B  |  Pyschographics  |  119
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