Page 124 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 124

LifeMode Group: Cozy Country Living                    6A
                                             Green Acres

                                             Households: 3,794,000
                                                                                       Percent of
                                             Average Household Size: 2.69       Pottawatomie County
                                             Median Age: 43.0                         Households
                                             Median Household Income: $72,000

                    WHO ARE WE?                      OUR NEIGHBORHOOD         SOCIOECONOMIC TRAITS
                    The Green Acres lifestyle features country living and  •  Rural enclaves in metropolitan areas,     •  Education: 60% are college educated.
                    self-reliance. They are avid do-it-yourselfers, maintaining     primarily (not exclusively) older homes  •  Unemployment is low at 6% (Index 70);
                    and remodeling their homes, with all the necessary power     with acreage; new housing growth in    labor force participation rate is high at 67.4%
                    tools to accomplish the jobs. Gardening, especially growing     the past 10 years.    (Index 108).
                    vegetables, is also a priority, again with the right tools, tillers,   •  Single-family, owner-occupied housing,
                    tractors, and riding mowers. Outdoor living also features a     with a median value of $197,000.  •  Income is derived not only from wages and salaries
                    variety of sports: hunting and fi shing, motorcycling, hiking     but also from self-employment (more than 15%
                    and camping, and even golf. Self-described conservatives,   •  An older market, primarily married         of households), investments (30% of households),
                    residents of Green Acres remain pessimistic about the    couples, most with no children.    and increasingly, from retirement.
                    near future yet are heavily invested in it.               •  They are cautious consumers with a focus on
                                                                                quality and durability.
                                                                              •  Comfortable with technology, more as a tool
                                                                                than a trend: banking or paying bills online is
                                                                                convenient; but the Internet is not viewed
                                                                                as entertainment.
                                                                              •  Economic outlook is professed as pessimistic, but
                                                                                consumers are comfortable with debt, primarily
                             TAPESTRY    TM                                     as home and auto loans, and investments.
                                                   Note: The Index represents the ratio of the segment rate to the US rate multiplied by 100.
                                                                                    Consumer preferences are estimated from data by GfK MRI.

                                             LifeMode Group: Family Landscapes                      4A
                                             Soccer Moms

                                             Households: 3,327,000
                                                                                       Percent of
                                             Average Household Size: 2.96       Pottawatomie County
                                             Median Age: 36.6                         Households
                                             Median Household Income: $84,000           11.7%

                    WHO ARE WE?                      OUR NEIGHBORHOOD           SOCIOECONOMIC TRAITS
                    Soccer Moms is an affl uent, family-oriented market  •  Soccer Moms residents prefer the suburban  •  Education: 37.7% college graduates; more
                    with a country fl avor. Residents are partial to new housing     periphery of metropolitan areas.    than 70% with some college education.
                    away from the bustle of the city but close enough to   •  Predominantly single family, homes are in  •  Low unemployment at 5.9%; high labor
                    commute to professional job centers. Life in this suburban     newer neighborhoods, 36% built in the    force participation rate at 72%; 2 out of 3
                    wilderness offsets the hectic pace of two working parents     1990s (Index 253), 31% built since 2000.    households include 2+ workers (Index 124).
                    with growing children. They favor time-saving devices,
                    like banking online or housekeeping services, and  •  Owner-occupied homes have high rate of    •  Connected, with a host of wireless devices
                    family-oriented pursuits.          mortgages at 74% (Index 163), and low rate      from iPods to tablets—anything that
                                                       vacancy at 5%.             enables convenience, like banking,
                                                     •  Median home value is $226,000.    paying bills, or even shopping online.
                                                                                •  Well insured and invested in a range of
                                                     •  Most households are married couples
                                                       with children; average household size is 2.96.    funds, from savings accounts or bonds
                                                                                  to stocks.
                                                     •  Most households have 2 or 3 vehicles;
                                                       long travel time to work including a  •  Carry a higher level of debt, including
                                                       disproportionate number commuting   fi rst (Index 159) and second mortgages
                                                       from a different county (Index 133).    (Index 154) and auto loans (Index 151).
                             TAPESTRY    TM
                                                     Note: The Index represents the ratio of the segment rate to the US rate multiplied by 100.
                                                                                      Consumer preferences are estimated from data by GfK MRI.
                                                                                                              |  117
           Adopted - August 19, 2019                      The Future County    Appendix B  |  Pyschographics  |  117
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