Page 119 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 119

survival method of forecasting. For each county,     same amount is being added to an ever-expanding
           each five-year age-gender cohort’s population        base (in the case of Pottawatomie County, adding
           change was forecasted in five-year increments,       3,395  residents  per  decade).  Exponential  growth
           starting with U.S. Census Population Estimates data   projections produce higher numbers than linear
           for 2014. Under this forecasting method, each cohort   by assuming a constant rate of growth over time.
           group’s population is forecasted forward five years at   This is  similar to the power  of compound growth
           a time by using the estimated mortality rate and the   in a savings account over time; the interest (i.e.,
           estimated migration rate for that age-gender cohort   growth) rate may not change, but it is being applied
           in the county to projection population changes for   to an ever-expanding balance, resulting in larger
           that age-gender cohort.” (CEDBR, February 2016       and larger interest earnings over time. In the case
           release).                                            of Pottawatomie County, the Exponential and Linear
                                                                Growth scenarios result in a population difference of
           Projections Based on Varying Quantities              4,292 because the growth increments are large.
           and Rates of Growth
                                                                The Exponential Growth line is based on the 1.7
           Another population projection method extends         percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
           historical trends to future years. Linear growth     the County experienced from 2010 to 2016. The
           forecasts are “straight line” projections that result   Exponential Growth line leads to a 2040 population
           in the same absolute number of new persons           of 36,081 while the Linear Growth line, labeled as
           being added to the population in each period. This   “Steady  Numeric  Growth”  on  the  chart,  leads  to  a
           produces a declining rate of growth over time as the   2040 population of 31,789.

           Figure 4, Pottawatomie Projections based on Varying Quantities and Rates of Growth

                  35,000                                                                 33,860



                         1970  1980  1990   2000  2010  2016  2020   2025  2030  2035  2040
           Historical Data  11,755  14,782  16,128  18,209  21,604  23,661
           Wichita State, CEDBR                         23,661  24,772  26,770  28,929  31,298  33,860
           Steady Numeric Growth                        23,661  24,999  26,642  28,394  30,044  31,789
           Exponential Growth                           23,661  25,632  27,919  30,411  33,125  36,081

           112  |  Plan Pottawatomie County 2040                                        Adopted - August 19, 2019
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