Page 116 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 116
Five-Year Update / Evaluation and › County-wide attitudes, and whether apparent
Appraisal Report shifts, if significant, necessitate amendments
to the stated goals or action strategies of the
An evaluation and appraisal report to Board of plan.
County Commissioners should be prepared every
five years. This report should be prepared by › Other changes in political, social, economic,
County staff with input from County departments, technological, or environmental conditions
the Planning Commission, and other boards and that indicate a need for plan amendments.
commissions, including the Pottawatomie County 4. Ability of the plan to continue to support
Economic Development Corporation. The report progress toward achieving the County’s goals.
process involves evaluating the existing plan and The following should be evaluated and revised
assessing how successful it has been in achieving as needed:
the County’s goals. The purpose of the report is to › Individual sections and statements within
identify the successes and shortcomings of the plan, the plan must be reviewed and revised, as
look at what has changed over the last five years, and necessary, to ensure that the plan provides
make recommendations on how the plan should be sufficient information and direction to
modified in light of those changes.
achieve the intended outcome.
The report should review baseline conditions and › Conflicts between goals and action
assumptions about trends and growth indicators. It strategies that have been discovered in the
should also evaluate implementation potential and/ implementation and administration of the
or obstacles related to any unaddressed major action plan must be pointed out and resolved.
strategies. The evaluation report and process should › The list of priority actions must be reviewed
result in an amended Comprehensive Plan, including and major accomplishments highlighted.
identification of new or revised information that may Those not completed by the specified
lead to updated goals and action strategies.
timeframe should be re evaluated to ensure
More specifically, the report should identify and their continued relevance and/or to revise
evaluate the following: them appropriately.
› As conditions change, the timeframes for
1. Summary of major actions and interim plan
amendments undertaken over the last five years. implementing major actions in the plan
should be re-evaluated where necessary.
2. Major issues in the community and how these Some actions may emerge as a higher
issues have changed over time. priority given new or changed circumstances
while others may become less important
3. Changes in the assumptions, trends, and base to achieving the goals and development
studies data in the Existing County Report, objectives of the County.
including the following:
› Based upon organizational and procedural
› The rate at which growth and development
factors, as well as the status of previously
is occurring relative to the projections put
assigned tasks, the implementation task
forward in the plan.
assignments must be reviewed and altered,
› Shifts in demographics and other growth as needed, to ensure timely accomplishment
trends. of the plan’s action strategies.
Adopted - August 19, 2019 | 109