Page 111 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 111
TFC Table 2, Action Items
Item Priority Year 1 - 2 Years 3 - 9 10+ Years
High – 1
Medium – 2
Low - 3 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY Years Action Leaders
Capital Investments
1 Prioritize investment in infrastructure to support economic X X County, PCEDC,
development. Identify areas in which County infrastructure private partners
is currently limiting economic development. Work to
secure funding for these infrastructure projects, whether
through County funds, partnerships, or creation of special
financing districts or development of impact fees.
Programs and Initiatives
1 Continue to support business development activities to X X X County, PCEDC
retain, expand and recruit businesses.
1 Expand programs to promote and sustain X X X County, PCEDC
2 Provide a range of affordable housing options for a diverse X X County, PCEDC, local
and expanding workforce. jurisdictions
3 Develop a “Buy Pottawatomie” campaign for Pottawatomie X County, PCEDC
Regulations and Standards
1 Pursue development of first-time building codes for fast X X County, City of
growing areas of the County. Manhattan
2 Develop design guidelines for strategic areas within the X County
104 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019