Page 108 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 108

TFC Table 2, Action Items

           Item Priority                                                             Year 1 - 2  Years 3 - 9  10+ Years
             High – 1    TRANSPORTATION
            Medium – 2
              Low - 3    AND MOBILITY                                               Years   Action Leaders
                         Targeted Planning/Studies

                 2       Document any deficiencies in the road and bridge system      X     County, PCEDC
                         that impede the agricultural economy and work with
                         the agriculture community to ensure the transportation
                         network is meeting their needs.
                 2       Update the 2009 US-24 Corridor Access Management             X     County, FHMPO,
                         Plan.                                                              KDOT, City of
                                                                                            Manhattan, Wamego,
                                                                                            St. George
                 1       Pursue a cost-benefit study of the Marlatt/Junietta       X        County, Riley County,
                         extension.                                                         City of Manhattan,
                 2       Update KDOT’s Functional Classification Map for           X        County, KDOT
                         Pottawatomie County or

                 2       Create a Pottawatomie County Thoroughfare Plan Map        X        County, KDOT

                 3       Conduct transportation modeling to examine the potential        X County, FHMPO
                         impacts of increased freight volumes.
                 3       Plan for future transportation technology advancements          X County, cities,
                         such as electric and automated vehicles.                           Industry, FHMPO

           Adopted - August 19, 2019                                                                          |  101
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