Page 104 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 104
Pottawatomie County Economic implementation and should occur in conjunction
Development Corporation with the County’s annual budget process, during
Capital Improvements Program (CIP) preparation,
The Pottawatomie County Economic Development and in support of departmental work planning. Then,
Corporation should take the lead in the following once the necessary funding is committed and roles
general areas: are defined, a lead County staff member should
• Assisting County staff in implementation of plan initiate a first year work program in conjunction with
elements related to economic development and, County management, other departments, and other
in some instances, housing development. public and private implementation partners.
• Serving on the County’s interdepartmental plan The near-term action priorities should be revisited
implementation committee. by County officials and staff annually to recognize
accomplishments, highlight areas where further
ACTION AGENDA attention and effort are needed, and determine
whether some items have moved up or down on
The goals in this Comprehensive Plan will ultimately the priority list given changing circumstances and
be attained through a multitude of specific actions. emerging needs. It should be kept in mind that early
Many of the initiatives highlighted in this section implementation of certain items, while perhaps not
cut across – and are supported by – multiple the uppermost priorities, may be expedited by the
elements within the plan. Compiled in Table 2 availability of related grant opportunities, by a state
Action Items, is a list of key action strategies derived or federal mandate, or by the eagerness of one
from the various plan elements. The table does not or more partners to pursue an initiative with the
include every recommendation found throughout County. On the other hand, some high-priority items
this plan. Instead, it details a shorter “to do” list of may prove difficult to tackle in the near-term due
strategic priorities, their potential timing, and who to budget constraints, the lack of an obvious lead
is responsible for initiating, administering, and entity or individual to carry the initiative forward, or
participating in the implementation process. by the County’s readiness to take on a potentially
controversial new program.
Additionally, the action strategies have been
categorized regarding those actions that will involve Progress on the near-term items, in particular,
(1) capital investments, (2) programs and initiatives, should be the focus of the first annual review and
(3) regulations and standards, (4) partnerships and report a year after adoption of this Comprehensive
coordination, and (5) targeted planning/studies. Plan, as described later in this section. Then, similar
Most capital projects will also require, to varying to multi-year capital improvements programming,
degrees, additional feasibility analysis, construction the entire action agenda in Table 2 – and all other
documentation, specifications, and detailed cost action strategies dispersed throughout the plan
estimates. sections – should be revisited annually to decide if
any additional items are ready to move into the next
Table 2 provides a starting point for determining near-term action timeframe, and what the priority
immediate, near-term, and longer-term task should be.
priorities. This is an important first step toward plan
Adopted - August 19, 2019 | 97