Page 105 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 105
TFC Table 2, Action Items
Item Priority Year 1 - 2 Years 3 - 9 10+ Years
High – 1 LAND USE
Medium – 2
Low - 3 AND DEVELOPMENT Years Action Leaders
Capital Investments
1 Formalize use of a Capital Improvements Program (CIP) to X X X County
prioritize infrastructure projects in areas of highest need
and areas identified for growth and revitalization.
Programs and Initiatives
2 Pursue educational approaches for new homeowners X County, KSU
regarding standard agricultural practices that should be Extension Services
expected in agricultural areas.
1 Establish formal plan review process for new development X County
to ensure development is resulting in desired development
2 Encourage the development of a diversity of housing types X X County, developers,
and sizes within areas of existing development and growth. PCEDC
Regulations and Standards
2 Include compatibility provisions in the County’s X County
development regulations for the purpose of protecting
existing operations and agricultural uses from encroaching
2 Update zoning and subdivision regulations, including X County
examine potential for revising Quarter-Quarter rule.
3 Develop rural design guidelines to help preserve existing X X County
rural character within Pottawatomie County.
1 Develop building codes in fast-growing areas to ensure X County
high-quality development in the County.
Partnerships and Coordination
1 Coordinate with incorporated municipalities to direct X X X County, incorporated
growth to existing municipalities and urban impact areas. cities
2 Work with Planning Commission and BOCC on how to X County
utilize the Comprehensive Plan.
2 Ensure coordination among County departments involved X X County
in building code inspection and safety
98 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019