Page 100 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 100
The Future County
With this Comprehensive Plan,
Pottawatomie County and other WHY THIS FINAL PLAN
partner agencies and organizations
will have an essential new document SECTION IS IMPORTANT
that should be frequently referred to FOR POTTAWATOMIE
for guidance in County decision-making. The plan
should be a “living document” that is responsive to COUNTY
ongoing change. Its key planning considerations,
• Emphasizes the importance of not only
goals, policies, and action strategies must also
creating a plan, but translating it into real
be revisited periodically to ensure that the plan is
action and tangible, beneficial results.
providing clear and reliable direction on a range
of matters, including land development issues and • Adds a shorter-term strategic perspective
to what is otherwise intended as a guide
public investments in infrastructure and services.
to Pottawatomie County’s long-term
Implementation is not just about a list of action enhancement over the next 20 years.
items. It is a challenging process that will require the
• Includes a list of priority actions for the County
commitment of the County’s elected and appointed
and other plan implementation partners to
officials, staff, residents, business owners, major
focus on during the next several years after
institutions, other levels of government, and other
plan adoption.
organizations and individuals who will serve as
champions of the plan and its particular direction • Underscores the need to keep the plan fresh
and relevant through annual review and
and strategies. Among its purposes, this final plan
reporting procedures and periodic updates.
section highlights specific roles, responsibilities,
and methods of implementation to execute priority • Advocates ongoing public engagement as
plan recommendations. Equally important are the plan is implemented.
Adopted - August 19, 2019 The Future County 7 | Implementation | 93
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