Page 95 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 95

•  Strengthen  County    regulations  regarding       EXAMPLES OF PEDESTRIAN
              environmentally sensitive areas.  Review existing
              riparian setback and floodplain regulations to        AND CYCLING RESOURCES
              determine if additional protections are needed.                    IN KANSAS
              Encourage higher density urban and suburban
              development to locate in and near incorporated
              cities  to minimize  the potential  impacts  of
              projected growth on the environment. This Plan
              does not have legal force within the incorporated
              cities of the County, however the cities should
              also be encouraged to promote and plan for
              higher intensity urban non-residential rather than
              auto-urban development to reduce the total
              impervious surface needed to accommodate

             •  Actively work with landowners to preserve
              remaining pristine prairieland.
                  ›  Combat invasive red cedar. Red cedar
                   is easiest to eliminate when it is small.
                   Therefore,  active  education  efforts  on  the
                   importance  of  combating  red  cedar  and
                   the available methods to do so is important.
                   Refer to sidebar on page 86 for methods to
                   combat red cedar.
                  ›  Combat additional noxious plants such as
                   Sericea Lespedeza which has been declared
                   a noxious weed in Kansas. KSU-Extension
                   Services’ recent Rangeland Field Day
                   highlighted Sericea Lespedeza control as
                   well as weed and brush control in pastures,
                   among other topics.

                  ›  Work with KSU-Extension Services or
                   other  partners  to  host  prescribed  burning
                   workshops. Explore developing a regional
                   prescribed   burning   association.  Such          Image Source: Kansas Cyclist,
                   associations reduce costs by sharing
                   equipment, labor, and experience.

                  ›  Identify high priority remaining pristine
                   prairieland through aerial imagery or a
                   mapping    workgroup.    Once    identified
                   examine existing zoning of prairieland
                   to determine if existing development
                   regulations provide adequate protections.

           88  |  Plan Pottawatomie County 2040                                         Adopted - August 19, 2019
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