Page 91 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 91
Potential for Regional Stormwater Management residents. Regional stormwater management, where
incorporated jurisdictions, Pottawatomie County,
With both the Big Blue River and the Kansas
and neighboring counties work collaboratively to
River bordering or flowing within Pottawatomie
identify and develop regional stormwater facilities
County’s borders, flooding remains a threat within
and projects, could provide multiple benefits to
the County, with multiple flooding events having
occurred in recent decades. The Big Blue and the County. These benefits would include not only
flood protection but also additional recreational
Kansas River Floodplain Management Plan highlights
opportunities as many of these facilities can be
multiple potential opportunities to reduce the risk of
joint-use facilities with trails incorporated into their
flooding and make Pottawatomie County safer for
The City of Houston has invested in a park system that
will benefit the community. Several public agencies
and private non-profit partners created the Bayou
Greenways Initiative to utilize Houston’s extensive
natural bayou system as a means of stormwater
management as well as a connected network of
greenways and walking and biking trails. The Bayou
Greenway system is designed to reduce flooding,
promote healthy lifestyles, stimulate economic
development, and create accessible parkland and
outdoor recreation resources.
Source: SWA Group
Before a flood event: After a flood event:
Source: Google Maps Screenshop / Courtsey of NOAA
84 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019