Page 88 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 88
PRESERVATION AND OPEN Pristine Prairie Land Preservation
SPACE FRAMEWORK FOR Pottawatomie County has some of the most pristine
ACTION remaining prairie land in the area. Prairie land used
to be the dominant landscape in the region but
faces threats not only from development but also
Key Issues and Considerations from invasive species such as eastern red cedar.
Preserving remaining pristine prairie land, as well
Key issues and considerations related to preservation as working with land owners to restore prairie land
and open space were identified through the (where possible) that is experiencing the challenges
Comprehensive Planning process. These essential of invasive species will help to retain the natural
items should be addressed as the County’s guiding beauty, and ecological benefits, of prairie land.
principles, goals and strategic action priorities for
the coming years are pursued. Potential for Eco-tourism and Agri-tourism
Balancing Growth with Preservation of Rural and Eco-tourism refers to tourism that is centered
Agricultural Areas around enjoyment of the natural environment,
whether that is by partaking in recreation such as
Pottawatomie County is one of the fastest growing hiking, hunting, bicycling, or fishing, pursuits such
counties in the State of Kansas. This growth brings as nature photography or bird watching, or simply
with it both opportunities and challenges. At the heart immersing oneself in a natural environment. Agri-
of the challenges is how to balance growth so as to tourism is tourism centered around learning about
retain the rural and agricultural components of the and experiencing agriculture, such as tours of
County that have long provided the County’s rural farms or wineries. Eco-tourism and agri-tourism
identity, as well as significant economic components can pull in visitors and dollars not only from out of
in their own right. Currently the majority of growth the region, but from those that live in the region.
experienced in the County has been concentrated Eco-tourism amenities, many of which already exist
along the U.S. Highway 24 corridor and particularly in Pottawatomie County, can also be enjoyed by
in the Green Valley area (also referred to as Blue local residents and contribute to a high quality of
Township area). A Green Valley Area Plan is being life. For some of the existing natural assets additional
completed in coordination with this Comprehensive awareness or signage is needed, such as the state
Plan (refer to sidebar on page 74). The Green Valley recreation areas. For other assets the focus should
Area Plan will closely examine the challenges posed be more on improving access or connectivity, such
by the rapid growth in that area of the County and as with the concept of creating a regional trail and
examine potential strategies to deal with the growth park network and expanding recreation along the
and future governance of the area. The plan will be Big Blue and Kansas Rivers. As detailed in the Big
completed after the Comprehensive Plan and should Blue and Kansas River Floodplain Management Plan,
build off the guiding principles, goals, and strategies flooding can possibly be reduced, erosion limited,
contained within the Comprehensive Plan.
and water quality improved by preserving more open
space in floodplains.
Adopted - August 19, 2019 The Future County 6 | Preservation and Open Space | 81
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