Page 87 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 87


           7.7—Ranking of recreation in Pottawatomie            13—Number of action items in the 2017
           County (out of 10 maximum) on Pottawatomie           Big Blue and Kansas River Floodplain
           County Economic Development Corporation’s            Management Plan.
           Quality of Life Survey.
                                                                The recently completed plan was spearheaded by
           PCEDC has recognized eco-tourism and recreation      the US Army Corps of Engineers, with the City of
           as a potential growth industry for the County due to   Manhattan, Riley, and Pottawatomie Counties being
           the natural resources and beauty of the County.      major partners participating in the plan. Numerous
                                                                recommendations for Pottawatomie County are
           25,781—Acres of state, federal, and private          included within the plan, many of which propose
           park, recreation and conservation lands              changes to the development process for the County.
           within  Pottawatomie  County  quantified  in         These include:
           the 2007 Flint Hills Regional Growth Plan.              •  Establishing  a  city  and  county  development

                                                                    coordination process.
           There are significant natural and recreational
           assets within Pottawatomie County, including state      •  Additional or revised stormwater detention
           recreation areas, the confluence of the Big Blue and     requirements.
           Kansas Rivers, and natural areas that are not part of     •  Higher standard floodplain regulations.
           formal park or recreation areas but that contribute
                                                                   •  Additional or revised erosion control and water
           to the scenic beauty of the area as well as contribute   quality requirements.
           to its rural character. The County itself does not at
           this time operate any of its own park or recreation     •  Develop a Big Blue River Recreation Plan.
           facilities.                                             •  Maintain and expand flood control facilities.

           80  |  Plan Pottawatomie County 2040                                         Adopted - August 19, 2019

                                       PLAN POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY 2040
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