Page 92 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 92

Planning for the open space system should support    GUIDING PRINCIPLES
           the achievement of many of the other goals of the
           County and its residents, including:
                                                                The Comprehensive Plan includes a set of four
             •  Increasing economic development opportunities   overall guiding principles, two of which relate most
              by increasing eco-tourism and  supporting         directly to Preservation and Open Space.
              existing agricultural production.
                                                                   GP3—     Pottawatomie County will be
             •  Ensuring recreation opportunities, by maintaining
                                                                   TRANSPARENT about setting short- and
              the rural character of the County and providing
                                                                   long-term goals for the County, through
              access to its natural resources.
                                                                   effective long-range and strategic planning,
             •  Managing growth to maintain the County’s rural     prudent management and allocation of
              character and quality of life while allowing for     public  resources,  and ongoing  citizen
              population growth and promoting economic             engagement for setting and accomplishing
              development.                                         County priorities.

           The Preservation and Open Space Framework               GP4—      Pottawatomie County will be
           for Action is organized in three tiers: (1) Guiding     ADAPTABLE as it plans for its future by
           Principles, (2) Goals, and (3) Strategic Action Priorities.   continuing to build on its historic industries,
           These topics are intended to coordinate with and        including farming and ranching, while
           support the other aspects of the Comprehensive          investing  in elements  that  will  make  the
           Plan. The Strategic Action Priorities convey tangible   County stronger and resilient to economic
           actions that will, over time, achieve the Goals of this   trends and other changes.
           chapter in line with the Guiding Principles.

                                                                1.  Preserve  and    restore  remaining    pristine
                                                                    prairieland in the County where possible.

                                                                2.  Increase  opportunities for residents to access
                                                                    recreation opportunities in the County.

                                                                3.  Balance growth with rural and agricultural
                                                                4.  Advance area stormwater management projects
                                                                    with regional significance and benefits in a
                                                                    collaborative manner with regional partners.

                                                                5.  Pursue    eco-tourism     and     agri-tourism
                                                                    opportunities in coordination with economic
                                                                    development partners including the PCEDC.

           Adopted - August 19, 2019                                                                           |  85
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