Page 96 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 96
• Pursue eco-tourism and agri-tourism possibilities such a map. The map can be highlighted
as a quality of life amenity for local residents as on the County’s website as well as made
well as an economic development strategy. available in local businesses. The map
› With support from the PCEDC, develop should be coordinated with the branding
an eco-tourism and agri- tourism action effort for the County, as recommended in
plan, as a component of an overall Strategic the Economic Opportunity section.
Tourism Plan for the County. The PCEDC • Work with the Flint Hills Metropolitan Planning
previously identified eco-tourism as a Organization as they complete the first regional
potential growth area for the County but trails plan for the region. Actively participate in
noted several existing limitations including a the planning process for this plan and coordinate
lack of hotel options and the general lack of implementation of identified projects within
connectivity of recreational amenities. The Pottawatomie County.
action plans can identify strategies to help
• Consider pursuing a coordinated Big Blue River
overcome these challenges, some of which
Recreation Plan, as recommended in the Big Blue
may require County involvement such as
and Kansas River Floodplain Management Plan.
transportation or road projects accessing
The recreation plan, which could be developed
recreation sites.
jointly with Riley County, or spearheaded by the
– Ensure that zoning and development Flint Hills Metropolitan Planning Organization,
regulations allow for and encourage could delve into how to increase and promote
eco-tourism and agri-tourism in recreation (including hiking and paddling)
rural areas as well as appropriate fire along the Big Blue River and the many existing
management of fire-dependent natural recreation areas that are along the Big Blue River
communities to enhance bird and game (but not currently connected in a meaningful
habitat. manner).
› Create a package of wayfinding signage
for existing recreational assets including RIGHT-TO-FARM
state recreation areas. Coordinate signage
with Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, State of Kansas Right-to-Farm Statute:
and Tourism and the Kansas Department of 2-3201. Protection of farmland and
Transportation for installation along KDOT agricultural activities
“It is the declared policy of this state to conserve
› Develop a county-specific map that
and protect and encourage the development and
highlights the recreational and open space
improvement of farmland for the production of
opportunities in Pottawatomie County.
food and other agricultural products. The legislature
Currently it is difficult to find information
finds that agricultural activities conducted on
about these resources and recreation areas
farmland in areas in which nonagricultural uses have
in one central location. Such a map could
moved into agricultural areas are often subjected
also highlight local businesses that are
to nuisance lawsuits, and that such suits encourage
nearby these recreational areas or along the
and even force the premature removal of the lands
routes that would be used to access them.
from agricultural uses. It is therefore the purpose of
Paddling trails and water-based recreational
this act to provide agricultural activities conducted
opportunities should also be included on
on farmland protection from nuisance lawsuits.”
Adopted - August 19, 2019 | 89