Page 98 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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        LID practices mimic the natural processing of stormwater runoff and can create more attractive communities. LID
        techniques and strategies are listed below.

     LID TOOLBOX                                                        MAINTENANCE ACTION As needed  LID TOOLBOX  LID TOOLBOX
                                                                       Remove Trash
                                                                    Remove Dead Vegetation
                                                                       Repair Erosion
                                                                    Repair Sediment Build Up
                                                                       Repair Ponding
                                                                      General Inspection
        A vegetated filter strip is a band of vegetation,   A vegetated swale is a wide, shallow channel with   Bioretention cells, or rain gardens, are
                                                                                   vegetated depressions layered with
                                              STORMWATER PLANTER BOX
        BIOSWALE                             vegetation covering the sides and bottom. Swales are   PERVIOUS PAVEMENT
        usually a mix of grasses and native plants that
                                                                                   engineered soil media that filter pollutants,
        acts as a buffer between an impervious surface
                                             designed to convey and treat stormwater, promote
        and a waterway.  They are designed to slow   LQÀOWUDWLRQ  UHPRYH SROOXWDQWV  DQG UHGXFH UXQRII YHORFLW\    increase the time water stays on the site, and
                                                                                   PERMEABLE PAVEMENT
        runoff from adjacent impervious surfaces, filter   Vegetated swales mimic natural systems better than   provides stormwater storage. These systems
        pollutants, and provide infiltration (depending   traditional drainage ditches.  usually have an underdrain to ensure the cell
        upon the permeability of underlying soils). They                           drains in a reasonable time period. Although
        can also provide aesthetic benefits, stormwater   Vegetated swales can be used on sites that naturally   they are applicable in most settings, rain
        storage, and wildlife habitat. In addition to   LID TOOLBOX  LID TOOLBOX cultivate a dense vegetative cover and have an   gardens are best used on small sites, urban
        stormwater management, vegetated filter strips   DSSURSULDWH DUHD  VORSH  DQG LQÀOWUDWLRQ SRWHQWLDO  6ZDOHV   areas, suburban areas, and parking lots.  Rain Garden, Kempwood Manor
        can add recreational value with opportunities   are most effective when used in a treatment train with   (Image: EHRA)
        to incorporate trails into their design.  other LID techniques. They are widely used to convey
                                                                                                                LID TOOLBOX
                                             and treat stormwater runoff from parking lots, roadways,
        Filter strips are best suited on sites that   Vegetated Filter Strip, Lone Star College   and residential and commercial developments and are
        naturally support dense vegetation. Filter   Victory Center  compatible with most land uses.
        strips are best used in treating runoff from
        roads, roofs, small parking lots, and other   (Image: Asakura Robinson)
        small surfaces.
                                                                  Vegetated Swale, Federal Reserve Bank    Rain Garden, Dickinson Library
                                              RAINWATER HARVESTING      (Image: Asakura Robinson)             (Image: Asakura Robinson)
                                                                         Designing for Impact  | 21
    20 | Designing for Impact                 Rainwater harvesting systems are above- or below-ground storage containers that capture   22 | Designing for Impact
                                              and store runoff to be used for irrigation and other nonpotable uses. Rainwater harvesting
                                              systems are an appropriate LID technique for highly urbanized areas, where impervious
                                              surfaces are unavoidable and site constraints limit the use of other LID practices. These   Permeable pavement is a durable, load-bearing paved
                                              systems are also a sustainable building practice that reduce demand on municipal water
                                                                                   surface designed to allow water to pass through and into
       Bioswales are similar to bioretention cells in    A stormwater planter box is a bioretention system enclosed   an underlying rock base. Due to the prevalence of clay
                                              resources. Systems range in size and complexity and include rain barrels, cisterns, and
                                                                                   soils in this region, runoff flows through the permeable
                                              underground storage.
                                              RAIN BARREL
       design and function but are linear elements   in a concrete container that contains porous soil media and   LID TOOLBOX  pavement and is directed to an underdrain, subsurface
                                                                                   detention, or rainwater harvesting system.  Permeable
       that can also be used for conveyance and   vegetation to capture� detain� and filter �tor��ater runoff�   pavement allows for streets, parking lots, and sidewalks
       storage in addition to their biofiltration   Stormwater planter boxes are lined, contain an underdrain,   to mimic pre-development runoff conditions while
                                                                                   sustaining the functional attributes of the site area they
       function. They can be used anywhere and are
                                             have various small to medium plantings, and are installed
     LID TOOLBOX  best used on small sites, in urbanized and   below or at grade level to a street, parking lot, or sidewalk.   an� �ontrol runoff �olume an� pea� flow rates�
                                                                                   replace. Permeable pavements reduce pollutant loads
       suburban commercial areas, residential areas,
                                                                                   Permeable pavement includes a wide range of materials,
                                             Runoff is directed to the stormwater planter, where water is
                                                                                   such as permeable stone pavers, porous asphalt, and
       and parking lots.
                                                                                   porous concrete.  These materials can be used as a
                                             filtered by vegetation before percolating into the ground or
                                                                                   roadways, playgrounds, and plazas.
                                             used to irrigate the tree or other vegetation in the planter box.
                                 Bioswale, Bagby Street  discharging through an underdrain. The stormwater is also   LID TOOLBOX  substitute to conventional pavement on parking areas,   Permeable Pavement, Kempwood Manor
                                     (Image: H-GAC)                                                        (Image: H-GAC)
                                             In addition to stormwater control, stormwater planter boxes
                                             offer on-site stormwater runoff treatment and aesthetic value.
                                             Stormwater planter boxes are optimal for urban or streetscape   Designing for Impact  | 25
                                             environments.         Stormwater Planter Box, Darling Street
                                                                         (Image: Jones + Carter)
                             Bioswale, Houston Permitting Center
                                     (Image: H-GAC)
                                    Designing for Impact  | 23
                                           | Designing for Impact
                                             Rain barrels are small
        Constructed stormwater wetlands are manmade shallow-  systems that guide runoff   Cisterns are large rainwater systems
                                             GREEN ROOF
        water ecosystems designed to treat and store stormwater   through a downspout into   installed above or below ground with
        runoff. These wetlands allow pollutants to settle out or   a barrel that usually holds   As illustrated, a range of
                                                                                   a much larger capacity than rain
        to be treated by vegetation. Runoff is slowly discharged   less than 100 gallons.   barrels. They can store water from
        over one to three days. Wetlands provide plant and   Rain barrels are typically   multiple downspouts and pavement
        wildlife habitat and can be designed as a public amenity.   installed and maintained by   techniques can be utilized
        While constructed stormwater wetlands have limited   single-family homes.
        applicability in highly urbanized settings, they are a                    to achieve low-impact
        desired technique on larger sites with relatively flat or   LID TOOLBOX
        gently sloping terrain. They are also well-suited to low-  LID TOOLBOX
        lying areas, such as along river corridors.   Rain Barrel, Ghirardi WaterSmart Park  Rain Barrel, Residence in Houston  development (LID). It is
                                                               (Image: H-GAC)  (Image: Asakura Robinson)
                                                                                  important to determine that the
                                                                         Designing for Impact  | 27
                                                                                  technique selected to mimic a
                              Stormwater Wetlands, Mason Park
                                      (Image: H-GAC)
    26 | Designing for Impact                                                     site’s predevelopment hydrology
                                                                                                          Cistern, Grocery Store in Houston
                                                                                       Cistern, Houston Arboretum
                                                                                         (Image: Asakura Robinson)  (Image: H-GAC)
                                                                                  is consistent with the character
                                                                               28 | Designing for Impact
                                                                                  of the built environment.
        Underground storage systems capture   A green roof is a vegetative layer grown on a rooftop that
        and store runoff below grade in large   ÀOWHUV  DEVRUEV  DQG RU GHWDLQV UDLQIDOO  7KH JUHHQ URRI
        Source: Designing for Impact: A Regional Guide to Low Impact Development. Houston-Galveston Area Council.
                                             system typically contains a soil layer, a drainage layer,
        chambers.  The stored runoff is usually
        used for irrigation. If the soils are   and an impermeable membrane. Water is captured and
        suitable, a portion may also infiltrate into   detained in the soil and dispersed through evaporation
        underlying soils. Underground storage   or transpiration by the plants. Green roofs reduce
        may be used for stormwater detention   volume and peak rates of stormwater and enhance water
        instead of surface ponds. If used under   TXDOLW\  2WKHU EHQHÀWV LQFOXGH UHGXFWLRQ LQ heat island
        parking, this method of detention    effect, extension of roof life, recreational and gardening
           Adopted - August 19, 2019
        can increase the land available for   opportunities, air and noise quality improvement, and             |  91
        development.                         reduced building heating and cooling costs.  xii   They can
                                             be integrated into new construction or added to existing
                                             EXLOGLQJV  LQFOXGLQJ EXLOGLQJV ZLWK ÁDW DQG VORSHG URRIV
                                             This practice is effective in urbanized areas where there
                                             is little room to accommodate other LID systems.
                           Underground storage tank, Birnamwood Drive
                            (Image: Harris County Public Infrastructure Department)  Green Roof, Houston Permitting Center
                                                                           (Image: H-GAC)
                                     Designing for Impact  | 29
                                          | Designing for Impact
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