Page 97 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 97

•  Promote pedestrian and bicyclist connectivity       site as quickly as possible. Practices involving LID
              and access to and within existing recreation areas    tend to slow the movement of stormwater, and
              in Pottawatomie County. Although the County           are intended to prevent more stormwater from
              itself does not currently have a Parks department     leaving the site than before development.
              or role, it can  work to  ensure that  access and
              connectivity to recreational resources is available     •  Utilizing LID techniques, pursue regional
                                                                    stormwater facilities with joint-use benefits such
              and safe.
                                                                    as recreation and trails within the stormwater
             •  Promote the use of low impact development           facility.
              strategies, tools, and techniques to restore         •  Coordinate the Green Valley Area Plan’s Park and
              pre-development     hydrology   for  all  new         Recreation Strategies with the Comprehensive
              development areas. Part of a larger practice          Plan. The  Green Valley Area Plan will explore
              of sustainability, low impact development             what the park and  recreational needs are for
              techniques reduce the strain on the environment       County residents in the fast-growing Green
              that a typical development can produce,               Valley area (also referred to as the Blue Township
              especially dealing with stormwater management.        Area.)  If  services  not  currently  provided  by  the
              The main premise of low impact development,           County are identified (such as provision of local
              or LID, is to mimic a site’s predevelopment           parks), the County should seek implementation
              hydrology by using design techniques that             strategies.
              infiltrate,  filter,  store,  evaporate,  and  detain
              runoff close to its source. A typical development
              will deal with stormwater by trying to direct it off

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