Page 101 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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formalized procedures for the ongoing monitoring Consequently, an education initiative should be
and reporting of successes achieved, difficulties undertaken immediately after plan adoption, which
encountered, and new opportunities and challenges can include:
that have emerged since plan adoption. This is in • A discussion of the individual roles and
addition to any other change in circumstances, which responsibilities of the BOCC, Planning
may require rethinking of plan priorities. Scheduled Commission (and other advisory bodies), PCEDC,
plan evaluations and updates, as described later and individual staff members;
in this section, will help maintain its relevance and
credibility as an overarching policy and action guide. • A thorough overview of the entire Comprehensive
Plan, with emphasis on the parts of the plan that
relate to each individual group;
PLAN ADMINISTRATION • Implementation tasking and priority setting,
which should lead to each group establishing a
During the development of this plan, representatives
one year and three-year implementation agenda;
of government, business, community groups,
and others came together to inform the planning • Facilitation of a mock meeting in which the use
of the plan and its policies and recommendations
process. These community leaders – and new
is illustrated; and
ones that will emerge over the horizon of this plan
– must maintain their commitment to the ongoing • An in-depth question and answer session, with
implementation and updating of the plan’s goals, support from the County Attorney and other key
policies, and action strategies. staff.
Long-range plans such as Pottawatomie County’s As the County’s elected officials, the Board of County
Comprehensive Plan are relatively general in nature, Commissioners should assume the lead role in the
but they are still complex policy documents that implementation of this plan. The key responsibilities
account for interrelationships among various policy of the Board of County Commissioners are to
choices. As such, educating decision-makers decide and establish priorities, set timeframes by
and administrators about plan implementation which actions will be initiated and completed, and
is an important first step after plan adoption. As determine the budget to be made available for
the principal groups that will implement the plan, implementation efforts. In conjunction with the
County department heads, the Board of County County Administrator, BOCC members must also
Commissioners, Planning Commission, and help to ensure effective coordination among the
Pottawatomie County Economic Development various groups that are responsible for carrying out
Corporation should all be “on the same page” the plan’s action strategies.
with regard to priorities, responsibilities, and
94 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019