Page 103 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 103

Board of County Commissioners                           •  Periodically obtaining public input to keep the
                                                                    plan up to date, using a variety of outreach and
           The BOCC should take the lead in the following           citizen and stakeholder involvement methods.
           general areas:
                                                                   •  Assisting County staff in generating and presenting
             •  Adopting  and  amending  the  plan,  after          the annual report on plan implementation
              recommendation by the Planning Commission.            progress described above.

             •  Acting as a “champion” of the plan.
                                                                County Staff
             •  Establishing the overall implementation priorities
              and timeframes by which action strategies in the   County  Staff should  take  the lead  in the following
              plan will be initiated and completed.             general areas:
             •  Considering  and   approving   the   funding       •  Managing  day-to-day    implementation    of
              commitments that will be required.                    the plan, including coordination through

             •  Adopting new or amended land development            an interdepartmental plan implementation
              regulations to implement the plan.                    committee.
             •  Approving intergovernmental and development        •  Supporting and carrying out capital improvement
              agreements that implement the plan.                   planning efforts.
             •  Offering final approval of projects and activities     •  Managing the drafting of new or amended land
              and their associated costs during the County’s        development regulations.
              annual budget process, keeping in mind the need      •  Conducting studies and developing additional
              for consistency with the plan and its policies.       special-purpose and/or special area plans.
             •  Providing policy direction to the Planning         •  Reviewing land development applications for
              Commission, other appointed County boards             consistency with the Comprehensive Plan.
              and commissions, and County staff.
                                                                   •  Negotiating the specifics of intergovernmental
           Planning Commission                                      and development agreements.
                                                                   •  Administering collaborative programs and
           The  Planning  Commission  should  take  the  lead  in   ensuring open channels of communication
           the following general areas:                             with  various  private,  public,  and  non-profit

             •  Ensuring that recommendations forwarded             implementation partners.
              to the Board of County Commissioners are             •  Maintaining an inventory of potential plan
              reflective of the plan goals, priorities, and action   amendments, as suggested by County staff and
              strategies.                                           others, for consideration during annual and

             •  After  holding  one  or  more  public  hearings  to   periodic plan review and update processes.
              discuss new or evolving County issues and            •  Generating and presenting an annual report
              needs, making recommendations to the BOCC             to the Planning Commission and BOCC
              regarding plan updates and plan amendments.           concerning progress toward implementation of
             •  In coordination with County staff, hosting the      the Comprehensive Plan.
              education initiative previously described.

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