Page 107 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 107
TFC Table 2, Action Items
Item Priority Year 1 - 2 Years 3 - 9 10+ Years
Medium – 2
Low - 3 AND MOBILITY Years Action Leaders
Partnerships and Coordination
2 › Expand existing biannual US-24 Corridor meeting X X County, Police, Fire,
to include officials from police, fire, EMS, and EMS, School Districts,
unified school districts. Consider establishing a incorporated cities,
second formal, yearly or twice-yearly meeting FHATA, FHMPO,
to facilitate better coordination of transportation KDOT, Riley County,
planning goals and projects that would include City of Manhattan,
transportation officials, police, fire, EMS, unified Wabaunsee County,
school districts and cities for the remainder of other adjacent
the County outside of the US-24 Corridor. counties
3 Coordinate with transit providers to ensure that public X County, FHATA
transportation routes and schedules are meeting the needs
of Pottawatomie County residents.
1 Build partnerships with developers to coordinate land X County, developers,
use and transportation investment and promote shared, PCEDC
equitable contributions to implementing the transportation
3 Work with Union Pacific Railroad to identify railroad crossings X County, Union Pacific
that need safety improvements. Railroad,
2 Coordinate with the Flint Hills MPO (FHMPO) to expand X County, FHMPO
active transportation options linking Pottawatomie County
and the greater Flint Hills region.
1 Coordinate with neighboring counties, cities, FHMPO X X X County, FHMPO,
and KDOT to expedite needed projects on County and KDOT, City of
State roadways, including active participation in regional Manhattan, Riley
transportation funding entities and efforts. County, other
neighboring cities and
2 Maintain emergency planning and public awareness of X X County, EMS, Police,
hazards and evacuation routes and work to expand number Fire
of residents signed up for emergency notification system.
100 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019