Page 112 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 112

TFC Table 2, Action Items

           Item Priority                                                             Year 1 - 2  Years 3 - 9  10+ Years
             High – 1
            Medium – 2
              Low - 3    ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY                                       Years   Action Leaders
                         Partnerships and Coordination

                 2       Establish a local business network to capitalize on strategic   X X County, PCEDC
                         growth and investment opportunities.
                 2       Continue active participation in the Greater Manhattan    X X X County, PCEDC,
                         Economic Partnership to advance, secure, and execute               GMEP
                         initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life and
                         economic well-being of residents within the County
                 2       Utilize Comprehensive Plan to advance economic            X        County, PCEDC,
                         development priorities at a regional level. Upon completion        GMP, FHRC, FHEDD
                         of the plan, set-up meeting with Greater Manhattan
                         Economic Partnership, Flint Hills Regional Council, and
                         Flint Hills Economic Development District (FHEDD) to
                         discuss how to advance regional priorities and plug into
                         existing programs.
                 3       Actively participate in the planning processes of the     X X X County, local
                         incorporated cities within the County as they occur,               jurisdictions
                         to coordinate recommendations such as economic
                         development, transportation, and land use that impact the
                         Actively pursue public/private partnerships and work
                         with local jurisdictions as they make investments in their
                 2       infrastructure (such as roads, storm drainage, etc.) to      X X   County, local
                                                                                            jurisdictions, PCEDC
                         coordinate with potential expansions and investments of
                         PCEDC, particularly for industrial parks.
                         Actively seek and participate in joint Pottawatomie
                         County/City of Manhattan meetings and Manhattan Urban
                 1       Area Planning Board meetings to discuss issues such as    X X X    County, City of
                         development in the Green Valley Area, transportation, and
                         emergency response coordination.
                         Actively pursue opportunities for research facilities and
                 2                                                                 X X      County, PCEDC
                         partnerships with KSU in advance of the NBAF arrival.
                         Targeted Planning/Studies

                 1       Pursue infrastructure impact fee/funding assessment.      X        County, PCEDC
                 1       Coordinate the Comprehensive Plan and the Green Valley    X        County
                         Area Plan.
                 1       Conduct additional retail studies in key locations           X     County, PCEDC
                         throughout the County to determine the market for
                         additional retail.

           Adopted - August 19, 2019                                                                          |  105
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