Page 113 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 113
TFC Table 2, Action Items
Item Priority Year 1 - 2 Years 3 - 9 10+ Years
Medium – 2
Low - 3 OPEN SPACE Years Action Leaders
Capital Investments
3 Create a package of wayfinding signage for existing X County, KDOT
recreational assets.
Programs and Initiatives
2 Promote pedestrian and bicyclist connectivity and access X County, FHMPO
to and within existing recreation areas in Pottawatomie
3 “Buy Pottawatomie” branding strategy to increase X County, PCEDC
awareness of the power of the buy-local and eat-local
2 Increase technical assistance opportunities related to farm X X County,
and ranch management and the food system sectors. KSU-Extension
2 Promote the use of low impact development strategies, X X County
tools, and techniques to restore pre-development
hydrology for all new development areas.
3 Develop a county-specific map that highlights the X County, PCEDC
recreational and open space opportunities in Pottawatomie
1 Actively work with landowners to preserve remaining X X X County, landowners
pristine prairieland.
Regulations and Standards
1 Review the County’s development regulations to ensure X County
open space needs will be met in a coordinated manner.
2 Pursue recommendations within the 2017 Big Blue and X X County, Riley County,
Kansas River Floodplain Management Plan. City of Manhattan
1 Examine potential to strengthen County’s environmental X X X County
protection regulations.
1 Ensure zoning regulations protect the right to farm, and X County
limit the potential conflicts between agricultural operations
and non-agricultural development by ensuring that new
non-agricultural development provides adequate buffering
on its own land.
106 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019