Page 118 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 118
The Future County
POPULATION OUTLOOK Alternative Growth Scenarios
FOR POTTAWATOMIE Demographers caution that population projections
COUNTY become trickier as the geographic area gets smaller.
This is because local population change is strongly
influenced by less predictable factors such as
Population projections are an important component
of a long-range planning process. They help housing prices, availability of vacant land to develop,
determine and quantify the demands that will be and economic shifts at the regional level.
placed on public facilities and services based on the Given this context, the chart in this section provides
potential pace and scale of the County’s physical a comparison of several potential scenarios for
growth. Projections reflect local, regional, national future population change in Pottawatomie County.
and international trends and offer a basis to prepare The projections build on the latest U.S. Census figure
for the future. However, forecasting population of 23,661 for 2016 and identify potential population
changes can be challenging, particularly for the long levels in five-year increments out to 2040.
term, because it is often difficult to account for all
circumstances that may arise. Therefore, it will be Wichita State Projection
important for the County to monitor population and
The Center for Economic Development and
economic growth continually to account for both
Business Research (CEDBR) at Wichita State
short- and longer-term shifts that can influence
University releases Kansas county-level population
development activity and trends in the community
projections through the year 2064. The projections
and larger region.
methodology “is based primarily on the age-cohort
Adopted - August 19, 2019 The Future County Appendix A | Population Outlook | 111
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