Page 102 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 102
Capital Projects quality of development reflect the County’s planning
objectives. These regulations should advance the
Pottawatomie County does not currently utilize
County’s desire for quality development outcomes
a multi-year Capital Improvements Program, or
while recognizing economic factors. They should
“CIP,” to identify and budget for “big ticket” projects,
not delay or interfere unnecessarily with appropriate
especially those that must be phased and/or
new development or redevelopment that is
coordinated with other initiatives. Creation of a CIP is
consistent with plan principles and directives.
one of the recommended Strategic Action Priorities
of this plan. A Capital Improvements Program may
include the following: street infrastructure; water, Partnerships and Coordination
wastewater, and drainage improvements; parks, trails,
and recreation facility construction and upgrades; Some community initiatives identified in this plan
and, construction and renovation of public buildings. cannot be accomplished by County government
Anticipating and adequately budgeting for major on its own. They may require direct coordination,
capital projects will be essential to implementing this intergovernmental agreements, or funding support
plan. Likewise, decisions regarding the prioritization from other public entities or levels of government.
of proposed capital improvements should reflect the Additionally, the unique role of potential private
direction and priorities of this plan. and non-profit partners to advance the County’s
action agenda should not be underestimated. This
may occur through cooperative efforts, volunteer
Programs and Initiatives activities, and in-kind services (which can count
toward the local match requirements for various
Programs involve the routine activities of County
grant opportunities), and from public/private
departments and staff, as well as special projects
financing of community improvements.
and initiatives they may undertake. As part of plan
implementation, this may include initiating new or
adjusting existing County programs and activities, Targeted Planning / Studies
expanding community outreach efforts, or providing
specialized training to accomplish a priority objective Various areas of County governance
more promptly and/or effectively. require more detailed study and planning,
especially as required to qualify for external funding
opportunities. These studies involve targeted
Regulations and Standards planning work at a “finer grain” level of detail than
is appropriate for long-range planning purposes
Given that private investment decisions account
(e.g., utility infrastructure master plans, annexation
for a vast majority of the County’s physical form,
service plans, public facility needs assessments,
land development regulations and engineering
neighborhood-level or corridor-focused plans, etc.)
standards are fundamental for plan implementation.
As such, some parts of this plan will be implemented
Consequently, in Pottawatomie County, zoning and
only after some additional planning or special
subdivision regulations and associated development
study to clarify next steps and associated costs and
criteria and technical engineering standards are the
basic keys to ensuring that the form, character, and
Adopted - August 19, 2019 | 95