Page 51 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 51
Planning for the transportation system should government through the most efficient use of
support the achievement of many of the other goals funds and the development of new revenue
of Pottawatomie County and its residents, including: sources to meet expanding needs.
• Providing safe routes to schools, work, shopping,
The Transportation Framework for Action is
and other destinations and providing safe and
organized in three tiers: (1) Guiding Principles, (2)
efficient emergency routes for emergency
Goals, and (3) Strategic Action Priorities. These
responders. A well built and maintained
topics are intended to coordinate with and support
transportation system can help to ensure the
the other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. The
safety of residents and visitors.
Strategic Action Priorities convey tangible actions
• Increasing economic development opportunities that will, over time, achieve the Goals of this chapter
by improving access to jobs, and by facilitating in line with the Guiding Principles.
freight transport to and from businesses, farms,
and industries.
• Ensuring eco-recreation opportunities, by
maintaining the rural character of the County
The Comprehensive Plan includes a set of four
and providing access to its natural resources.
overall guiding principles, two of which relate most
• Managing growth to maintain the County’s rural directly to Transportation and Mobility.
character and quality of life while allowing for
population growth in appropriate locations and GP2— Pottawatomie County will be
promoting economic development. COLLABORATIVE in its approach to big
picture issues, including infrastructure,
• Ensuring fiscal soundness of the County
transportation, emergency management,
and economic issues, forming partnerships
and actively participating and having a voice
in regional decision-making.
GP3— Pottawatomie County will be
TRANSPARENT about setting short- and
long-term goals for the County, through
effective long-range and strategic planning,
prudent management and allocation of
public resources, and ongoing citizen
engagement for setting and accomplishing
County priorities.
44 | Plan Pottawatomie County 2040 Adopted - August 19, 2019