Page 52 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
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GOALS • Develop a Pavement Management Program
(PMP) to assist with prioritizing roadways
for maintenance and rehabilitation projects.
1. Ensure the County’s road and bridge system is in
Conduct a Pavement Condition Assessment to
good repair and is safe for all users, with projects
determine existing road conditions and prioritize
advanced in a transparent manner.
rehabilitation (or, in the case of non-county roads,
2. Provide increased opportunities for residents and coordinate rehabilitation with the responsible
visitors to access recreation opportunities and entity such as KDOT). The Pavement Condition
increase opportunities for active transportation. Assessment should identify pavement types,
defects and failures. Through the Pavement
3. Support an efficient and safety-focused US-24
Condition Assessment roadways are assigned a
Corridor and supporting road network.
rating, known as the Pavement Condition Index
4. Ensure roadway types are appropriate to support (PCI). The PMP is designed to optimize funding to
the growth and development pattern utilizing maintain the roadways in the most cost-efficient
the roadway, now and in the future. manner. The most cost effective does not mean
rehabilitate the “worst roads” first. Often times,
5. Finance costs for constructing and maintaining the worst roads are the most expensive because
roadways and other transportation projects in a they require some form of reconstruction. The
manner that maintains the fiscal soundness of PMP will provide suggestions on various types
the County. of maintenance treatments that should be
completed in order to keep road conditions to
6. Advance area transportation projects with
a specific desired PCI. Keeping the “good roads”
regional significance and benefits in a
in good condition is one of the keys to effective
collaborative manner with regional partners.
STRATEGIC ACTION • Create a formalized Capital Improvements
PRIORITIES Program that prioritizes projects in a transparent
way in a multi-year funding plan. Costs and
sources of funds should be included in the
• Conduct pro-active preventative maintenance
annual County budget.
on the local road and bridge network and
schedule targeted reconstruction locations with • Working with the agriculture community,
deteriorated conditions. Create a system for document any deficiencies in the road and
identifying and prioritizing bridge replacements bridge system that impede the agricultural
and roadway maintenance throughout the economy. Ensure that roads and bridges allow
County that is adequately and sustainably funded. for the movement of farm equipment, livestock,
Roads and bridges should be prioritized based and agricultural products. Assessments of how
on a range of criteria such as, but not limited to, the transportation network is meeting or not
age of the infrastructure, traffic volumes (both meeting the needs of other segments of the
low and high), strategic importance, geographic economy can also be completed. Different roads
considerations, etc. in the County serve different primary purposes,
and may have different needs, whether it is
• Create a system for identifying and prioritizing
upgrades of over-burdened gravel roads that is to transport freight, to transport people and
adequately and sustainably funded. vehicles, and/or to move farm equipment and
agricultural products.
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Adopted - August 19, 2019 The Future County 3 | Transportation and Mobility | 45