Page 53 - Florence County, SC Florence County 2032: Connecting Our Past, Defining Our Future
P. 53

•  Coordinate with neighboring counties, cities,
              FHMPO and KDOT to expedite needed projects
              on County and State roadways, including active
              participation in regional transportation funding
              entities and efforts.

                  ›  Collaborate closely with Wabaunsee County
                   to determine path forward for reconstruction
                   of Belvue Bridge. Communicate joint-
                   decision clearly to the public.
                  ›  Expand existing biannual US-24 Corridor
                   meeting to include officials from police, fire,
                   EMS, and unified school districts. Consider
                   establishing a second formal, yearly or
                   twice-yearly meeting to facilitate better
                   coordination of transportation planning
                   goals and projects that would include
                   transportation officials, police, fire, EMS,
                   unified  school districts and  cities  for the
                   remainder of the County outside of the
                   US-24 Corridor.

                  ›  Coordinate with transit providers to
                   ensure that public transportation routes
                   and schedules are meeting the needs
                   of Pottawatomie County residents. For
                   example, do existing routes maximize
                   access to opportunity (such as employment,
                   medical care, education/training, etc.)?
                   Future transit use should be based on future
                   growth patterns of development even
                   if  existing  development  patterns  do  not
                   currently support transit.

           46  |  Plan Pottawatomie County 2040                                         Adopted - August 19, 2019
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